- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)11-0103-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.11.015
- 作者简介:牟玲利,武汉理工大学硕士,重庆大学建筑城规学院博士研究生;
- 基于成文法和不成文法结合的实用性村庄规划策略探讨
- Discussion on the Practical Village Planning Strategy Based on the Combination of Written Law and the Unwritten Law
- 浏览量:
- 牟玲利 彭恺
- MOU Lingli PENG Kai
- 摘要:
与传统的城市规划不同,村庄规划既存在自上而下的规划编制和政府管理措施,也存在自下而上的村民自治。随着国土空间规划工作的展开,关于新时代下村庄规划的研究和探索多从单一角度或某片区域入手,不够系统全面,且对村民主体的自组织性研究不足。因此文章从成文法、不成文法两个角度,通过对以成文法为基础的十省市村庄规划导则的解读以及以不成文法为基础的村民自治的研究,分析村庄规划中自上而下和自下而上如何结合的问题,并依据笔者在浙江景宁畲族自治县梧桐乡村庄规划的编制实践与研究,思考具有可适用性的村庄规划编制策略,以期为实用性村庄规划的编制与实施提供一定的借鉴价值。 - 关键词:
成文法;不成文法;村庄规划;实用性;策略与方法; - Abstract: Unlike traditional urban planning, village planning involves both top-down planning formulation and government management measures, as well as bottom-up village self-governance. With the unfolding of territorial spatial planning efforts, research and exploration regarding village planning in the new era often start from a singular perspective or a specific region, lacking a comprehensive and systematic approach. Furthermore, there’s insufficient research on the self-organizing nature of villagers as the main entities. Therefore, this article, from the perspectives of codified law and uncodified law, analyzes how top-down and bottom-up approaches can be combined in village planning. This is achieved by interpreting village planning guidelines based on codified law from ten provinces and cities, and researching village self-governance based on uncodified law. Based on the author’s practical experience and research in drafting village planning in Wutong village, Jingning She autonomous county, Zhejiang, the article contemplates applicable strategies for village planning formulation. The aim is to offer valuable insights for the practical formulation and implementation of village planning.
- Key words: statutory law; unwritten law; village planning; practicality; strategies and methods
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