- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)12-0033-07
- 中图分类号:C32 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.12.005
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目“大数据背景下我国大型城市资源环境承载力评价与政策研究”(17ZD062);重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学一般研究项目“乡村产业振兴背景下重庆市用地保障机制与实现途径研究”(22SKGH131)。
- 作者简介:杨楠,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院,博士研究生;
- 基于“载体—荷载”视角的城市公共服务承载力测度
- A Carrier-Load Perspective Method for Investigating Urban Public Service Carrying Capacity
- 浏览量:
- 杨楠 罗文竹 申立银
- YANG Nan LUO Wenzhu SHEN Liyin
- 摘要:
准确测度城市公共服务承载力是缓解公共服务供需矛盾、推动城市可持续发展的重要基础。文章基于“载体—荷载”视角,从公共服务载体和荷载的适配状态入手,构建了城市公共服务承载力的测度方法。同时,为验证所提出方法的有效性,选取长三角地区的41 座城市展开了实证研究。主要得到以下结论 :(1)城市公共服务承载力是公共服务载体的荷载强度,可表现为承载状态值,这一状态值并非越大越好,也非越小越好,而应当在城市特定的发展条件下有一个合理的相对值 ;(2)城市公共服务承载状态具有区间特征,可以通过四分位法将其划分为 4 个区间,即高风险超载区间、高利用区间、中度利用区间和低利用区间 ;(3)实证结果发现,研究期内长三角地区城市的公共服务承载状态总体上从以高风险超载和高利用为主逐步过渡到以中度利用和低利用为主,公共服务超载风险得到缓解。 - 关键词:
城市公共服务承载力;载体—荷载;区间特征; - Abstract: To accurately measure urban public services carrying capacity (UPSCC) is an important basis for alleviating the contradiction between public services supply and demand and promoting sustainable urban development. Based on the perspective of “carrier-load”, this study proposes a method for UPSCC measurement based upon the matching state of public service carrier and load. In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, 41 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region are selected to carry out an empirical study. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) UPSCC refers to the strength that carrier carrying the load, which can be expressed as the bearing state value. The optimal value is not necessarily the largest or smallest, but rather a reasonable one that aligns with the city’s specifi c development conditions. (2) The state value of UPSCC has interval characteristics, which can be divided into four intervals by quartile method, namely high-risk overload interval, high utilization interval, moderate utilization interval and low utilization interval. (3) The empirical analysis shows that the interval of UPSCC in the Yangtze River Delta region has gradually changed from high-risk overload and high utilization to moderate utilization and low utilization, and the overload risk has weakened year by year.
- Key words: urban public service carrying capacity; carrier-load; interval characteristics
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