- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)12-0102-06
- 中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.12.015
- 项目基金:宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划重大(重点)项目(2019BBF02014)。
- 作者简介:王敬儒,西安建筑科技大学艺术学院讲师,建筑学院在站博士后;
- 人工自然交错带生态安全格局构建研究 ——以西安市鄠邑区为例
- Research on the Planning of Ecological Security Pattern of Artifi cial-Natural Ecotone: A Case Study of Huyi District, Xi’an City
- 浏览量:
- 王敬儒 岳邦瑞 兰泽青
- WANG Jingru YUE Bangrui LAN Zeqing
- 摘要:
城市扩张造成秦岭北麓生态交错带环境发生显著退化,如何针对生态交错带特征开展区域生态修复,成为亟待研究的规划技术问题。文章借鉴生态安全格局构建的一般方法,结合秦岭北麓人工自然交错带、山地平原过渡带的生态特殊性分析,选择西安市鄠邑区为对象开展研究,提出适宜人工自然交错带的景观格局分析 4 步骤,包括:生态源地识别、阻力面构建、生态廊道识别、交错带景观资源整合,并基于此提出了秦岭北麓生态交错带修复的基本思路与分区策略。 - 关键词:
风景园林;生态安全格局;人工自然交错带;秦岭北麓; - Abstract: Under the influence of urban expansion, the ecological environment of the north piedmont of Qinling Mountains has been significantly degraded. How to carry out regional ecological restoration according to the characteristics of ecotone has become an urgent planning technical problem. Based on the general construction method of ecological security pattern, combined with the particularly of the artificial-natural ecotone and mountain-plain transition zone of the north piedmont of Qinling Mountains, this paper take Huyi District as the research object, puts forward a 4 steps landscape pattern analysis suitable for artificial-natural ecotone, mainly including the identification of ecological sources, the construction of resistance surface, the identification of ecological corridors, and the integration of humanities and natural resources in ecotone. Based on this work, this paper puts forward the basic idea and zoning strategy of ecotone restoration in the north piedmont of Qinling Mountains.
- Key words: landscape architecture; ecological security pattern; artifi cial-natural ecotone; the north piedmont of Qinling Mountains
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