- 乡村研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)12-09-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.12.002
- 项目基金:“十四五”国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFC3802801);陕西省教育厅2022年度重点科研 计划项目(协同创新中心项目)(22JY031);国家自然科学基金青年项目(51908465);西安建筑科技大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金项目(2021XYBPY009)。
- 作者简介:刘苗苗,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,博士研究生;
- 高质量发展背景下黄土沟壑区乡村流域空间治理:目标、困境与实现路径
- Spatial Governance of Rural Watershed in Loess Gully Region under the Background of High-Quality Development: Target, Dilemma and Realization Path
- 浏览量:
- 刘苗苗 雷振东 高雅
- LIU Miaomiao LEI Zhendong GAO Ya
- 摘要:
高质量发展阶段,黄土沟壑区乡村治理的空间范畴、配置动力、行动主体已发生变化。面向生态安全到生态持续、经济脱贫到经济高效、社会稳定到社会公平的目标变化,针对乡村治理载体、治理动力、治理主体呈现的空间要素分散治理、资本价值诉求冲突、参与治理意愿减弱等问题,基于乡村空间流域化特征,依托次沟流域构建乡村治理单元,文章提出功能协同、价值协调、主体协作 3 大治理路径,以促进乡村空间要素、资本要素和行动主体之间的良性互动。 - 关键词:
乡村空间治理;流域单元;治理路径;高质量发展;黄土沟壑区; - Abstract: At the stage of high-quality development, the spatial category, allocation power and action subjects of rural governance in loess gully region have changed. Facing the goal change from ecological security to ecological sustainability, from economic poverty alleviation to economic e ffi ciency, and from social stability to social equity, the rural areas in this region show problems such as fragmented governance of spatial elements, confl icting capital value demands, and weakened villagers’ willingness to participate in terms of governance carriers, dynamics and subjects respectively. Based on the watershed characteristics of rural spatial, the paper relies on the sub-gully watershed to construct the rural governance unit, and proposes three governance paths, including functional synergy, value coordination and subject collaboration, so as to promote the benign interaction among rural spatial elements, capital elements and action subjects.
- Key words: rural spatial governance; watershed unit; governance path; high-quality development; loess gully region
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