- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)12-0124-09
- 中图分类号:C913 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.12.019
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41901193;42271224);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(17YJC790185);安徽省自然科学基金项目(1908085QD148);安徽省高校优秀青年科研项目(2022AH030019)。
- 作者简介:杨成凤,安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院副教授,硕士生导师;
- 基于社交行为的“老漂族”城市融入研究 ——以合肥市为例
- Research on the Urban Integration of “Old Drifters” Based on Social Behavior: A Case Study of Hefei
- 浏览量:
- 杨成凤 章皓宇 鲍婕 孔亚婧 韩会然
- YANG Chengfeng ZHANG Haoyu BAO Jie KONG Yajing HAN Huiran
- 摘要:
影响因素。研究表明 :(1)合肥市“老漂族”以省内流入为主,来源地呈现地理空间上
意和本地人做朋友”比“愿意融入本地,成为本地的一员”的意愿高 ;“老漂族”对本
地人是否持友好态度的感知总体表现较好 ;不过在融入现状中,相比于认同“自己已成
要的参考意义。 - 关键词:
“老漂族”;社交行为;城市融入;多元线性回归分析; - Abstract: With the advancement of new urbanization and the acceleration of population aging, the urban integration of “old drifters” has become one of the hotspots in both fields of geography and sociology. Based on questionnaire surveys and the data of social behavior characteristics and urban integration status of “old drifters” that have been obtained in Hefei, this paper focuses on analyzing both level and influencing factors of old drifters’ urban integration along with multiple linear regression model. The results show that: (1) old drifters in Hefei are mainly the group of Intra-province mobility. The places they live originally show geographical proximity to Hefei and the migration scale of “old drifters” is affected by the number of people living in their emigration area. (2) Social connections of the old drifters are still dominated by their original social networks, while their new social networks have not been fully established, but they seem to be satisfied with their current social contacts overall. Judging from different types, old drifters from urban places have higher willingness level of integration than those from rural places, and the later sense more sentimenta attachment to the original residence. When speaking of the sense of perception, the rural drifters feel less discomfortable with local people than the urban drifters feel. (3) After comprehensive analysis of the willingness level of integration, we find that old drifters in Hefei are more “willing to make friends with local people” than “willing to integrate in or to be one of the local people”. It also shows that main drifters seem to sense people around are kind to them. But in the aspect of their present situation of integration, old drifters appear to agree the sentence “I am still an outsider” when compared with the recognition of “I have become a local”. (4) Through the analysis of multiple linear regression, it finds that factors like occupation, personal monthly income, willingness to make friends with local people and the purpose of making friends in Hefei have a significant impact on all aspects of the urban integration of “old drifters” (integration willingness, integration perception and integration status). Among them, “old drifters” from rural places have the lower level than urban groups when it comes to the integration perception and integration status. There is also an obvious negative level in rural groups when speaking to integration. In conclusion, our findings will not only guide policymakers to pay due attention to “old drifters”, but also have great significance for promoting social equity and improving the quality of lives for “old drifters
- Key words: “old drifters”; social behaviors; urban integration; multiple linear regression
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