- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)12-0112-07
- 中图分类号:G642.4 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.12.017
- 项目基金:2022年度江苏省社科应用研究精品工程高校思想政治教育专项课题“基于大思政视域下应用型本科院校设计学科三全育人模式研究”(22SZC-048);2021年度“中央高校科研业务经费”基金项目:虚假信息与市场有效性(ZW21195002)。
- 作者简介:鲍锐,硕士,金陵科技学院副研究员,主要从事教育经济管理、思想政治教育、创新创业教育研究工作;
- 地方应用型高校行业专业人才创新能力培养与城市产业发展——基于知识溢出效应的研究
- Innovation Ability Training of Industry Professionals in Local Applied Colleges and Universities and Urban Industry Development: A Study Based on Knowledge Spillover Eff ect
- 浏览量:
- 鲍锐 曹超 樊文育 蒋雪伟
- BAO Rui CAO Chao FAN Wenyu JIANG Xuewei
- 摘要:
培养行业专业创新人才推动城市产业发展是地方应用型高校人才培养的重要目标。文章基于知识溢出理论,在对地方应用型高校行业专业人才创新能力培养现状进行调研、整理和分析后,构建了地方应用型高校行业人才创新能力与城市产业发展的知识溢出效应关联模型,在此基础上归纳、总结知识溢出、地方应用型高校行业人才创新能力培养对于推动城市产业发展的路径和效应,为地方应用型高校行业专业人才创新能力培养提出了对策建议。 - 关键词:
行业专业人才;创新能力;知识溢出效应; - Abstract: Cultivating industry professionals with innovative capabilities to advance urban industrial growth is a critical objective for local applied institutions of higher education. Drawing upon the knowledge spillover theory, this study examines and assesses the current state of innovative talent development within such colleges and universities. It constructs a correlational model to gauge the knowledge spillover effects between the innovation capacities of industry professionals and urban industrial progress. The paper synthesizes findings to articulate the mechanisms and impacts of knowledge spillover and the nurturing of innovative talent on urban industrial advancement. Finally, it proposes strategic recommendations for enhancing the innovative competencies of industry professionals at local applied colleges and universities.
- Key words: industry professionals; innovation ability; knowledge spillover eff ect
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