- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)02-0091-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.02.014
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划课题“赣豫鄂湘田园综合体宜居村镇综合示范”(2019YFD1101300);湖南省研究生科研创新项目课题“田园综合体建设背景下田园社区低碳用地规划模式研究:以湖南地区为例”(CX20200418)。
- 作者简介:宋丽美,湖南大学建筑学院博士,从事农村低碳社区营建研究;
- 湖南典型城郊融合型乡村社区空间形态变化与空间营建策略研究
- Research on the Spatial Form Changes and Space Construction Strategies of Typical Urban and Suburban Integrated Rural Communities in Hunan
- 浏览量:
- 宋丽美 徐峰 孙亮 孟昂
- SONG Limei XU Feng SUN Liang MENG Ang
- 摘要:
空间营建是城乡统筹发展阶段下乡村现代化建设的重要内容。通过实地调研与数据分析研究湖南典型城郊融合型乡村转型背景下的社区空间变化。研究发现:(1)湖南乡村转型以农业现代化转型为主,且处于初级阶段,近郊乡村社区不存在如苏南模式中的空间转型现象。以空间形态变化为主,主要表现为居民点增加与农用地规模化、内聚性秩序分散、建筑空间形态的多样化。(2)土地流转制度是空间形态变化的基础力量,乡绅企业家是重要推动力量,村民角色转变是内在动力,而农业转型升级是核心动力。(3)湖南城郊融合型乡村社区主要空间问题是产业空间规划与配套不足、公共空间弱化、建筑空间品质差。最后以燎原村为例提出“延续”“整合”与“提质”的可持续空间营建策略以回应当代湖南城郊融合型乡村社区发展的现实问题。 - 关键词:
乡村社区;转型;空间形态;营建策略; - Abstract: Spatial construction is an important part of the rural modernization construction in the stage of urban and rural development. Starting from the basic unit communities of rural settlements. Based on field research and data analysis. This article analyzed the transformation and spatial changes of the typical suburban integrated rural communities in Hunan province through field surveys and data analysis methods. Which found: 1) The rural transformation in Hunan is mainly based on the transformation of agricultural modernization, and it is in the initial stage. There is no community concentration in the suburban rural communities like the southern Jiangsu model. Mainly changed in spatial form, which like the increase of residential areas and the scale of agricultural land, the scattered cohesion order, and the diversifi cation of the architectural space form. 2) The land transfer system was the basic force for the change of spatial form, the squire entrepreneur was an important driving force, the role of villagers was the internal driving force, but the transformation and upgrading of agriculture was the core driving force. 3) The main spatial problems for the urban-suburban integrated rural communities include insuffi cient spatial planning and supporting facilities for industries, weakening of public space, and poor architectural space quality. Finally, taking Liaoyuan village as an example, a sustainable space construction strategy of “continuation”, “integration” and “quality improvement” is proposed to respond to the actual problems in the development of contemporary rural communities in Hunan.
- Key words: rural community; transformation; spatial form; construction strategy
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