- 建成环境与居民健康
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)02-0001-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.02.001
- 项目基金:福建省社科基金“泉州海洋文化景观网络构建与整体性保护研究”(FJ2022BF061)。
- 作者简介:章陆杨,福建农林大学硕士研究生在读,研究方向为风景园林规划与设计;
- 基于中介效应的居住区道路环境与公共健康机理分析 ——以福州市3个时空顺序典型性居住区为例
- Analysis of Road Environment and Public Health Mechanism in Residential Areas Based on Mediation Effect: A Case Study of Three Typical Residential Areas in Fuzhou with Time-Space Sequence
- 浏览量:
- 章陆杨 何侃 林涛 刘恋 丁国昌
- ZHANG Luyang HE Kan LIN Tao LIU Lian DING Guochang
- 摘要:
论文探索城市道路环境对居民公共健康的影响,采用问卷调查和结构方程模型构建的方法,引入“出行方式”这一中介变量进行模型构建。结果表明,“出行方式”的中介效应存在,且为部分中介;道路环境的3个观察变量都对出行方式和公共健康存在显著影响,其中对私家车和出租车出行为负向影响,对骑行和步行等绿色出行为正向影响;路径系数也表明了机动化出行不利于居民的公共健康发展,而低碳绿色出行则有益于居民公共健康。 - 关键词:
公共健康;道路环境;出行方式;中介效应; - Abstract: To explore the impact of urban road environment on the public health of residents, the method of questionnaire survey and structural equation model construction were used to introduce the “travel mode” as an intermediate variable for model construction. The results show that the mediation eff ect of the “travel mode” exists and is part of the mediation; all three observation variables of the road environment have signifi cant eff ects on the travel mode and public health, including negative eff ects on the behavior of private cars and taxis, and green travel behaviors such as travel and walking have a positive eff ect; path coeffi cients also indicate that motorized travel is not conducive to public health, and low-carbon green travel can eff ectively promote public health.
- Key words: public health; road environment; trip mode; mediation eff ect
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