- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)02-0053-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.02.008
- 项目基金:天津大学“北洋学者·骨干教师计划”(2019XRG-0025);国家自然科学基金青年基金(51708398)。
- 作者简介:杜孟鸽,天津大学建筑学院;
- 高铁站建设对城市时空演变的影响研究
- The Impact of High-Speed Railway Stations on the Spatial- Temporal Evolution of Cities
- 浏览量:
- 杜孟鸽 袁大昌 米晓燕
- DU Mengge YUAN Dachang MI Xiaoyan
- 摘要:
关于高密度城市高铁站周边建成区域的研究已成为未来我国高铁站选址规划和站点周边发展亟待探讨的方向。文章以全国运营规模排名前25位的高铁站设站城市与站点周边为研究对象,首先,运用地理信息系统构建城市重心偏移模型和站点周边建设斑块生长模型。其次,定量解析2004—2019年城市发展的时空演变,并判定与高铁站建设的相关性。最后,运用聚类分析法分类探讨高铁站的特征及影响因素,为高铁站的选址规划和周边建设提供类型化依据。 - 关键词:
城市建成区;高铁站周边区域;重心偏移模型;建设斑块生长模型;时空演变; - Abstract: The research on the built-up area around high-speed railway (HSR) stations in high-density cities has become an urgent direction topic for future location selection planning and development of high-speed railway stations in China. This paper takes the urban built-up area and surrounding area of the top 25 HSR stations in China as the research object. Firstly, there are the urban gravity-center migration model of the cities and the evelopment-patch growth model about surrounding area of the HSR station constructed by using the Geographic Information System (GIS). Secondly, there is the quantitative analysis that describes the spatial-temporal evolution of urban development from 2004 to 2019, as well as the judgment of relevance between the HSR stations. Finally, there are the characteristics and infl uencing factors of HSR stations classifi ed and discussed by cluster analysis method, which provide typological basis for location selection planning and construction of surrounding area of the HSR station.
- Key words: urban built-up area; surrounding area of high-speed railway station; gravity-center migration model; development-patch growth model; spatial-temporal evolution
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