  • 更新与改造
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)03-0021-07
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.03.004
  • 项目基金:甘肃省住建厅软科学项目“基于国土空间规划的城市发展调控研究(JK2019-41)”;甘肃省建设科技软科学项目“城乡建设与空间规划协同发展纲要研究(JK2021-23)”。
  • 作者简介:吴静轩,兰州交通大学建筑与城市规划学院在读硕士研究生,研究方向:城乡规划设计与理论; 唐相龙,通信作者,兰州交通大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、院长、硕士研究生导师,国家注册规划师,研究方向:城乡规划设计与理论、城市规划历史与理论。
  • 基于触媒理论的东北欠发达城市火车站片区微更新设计研究 ——以乌兰浩特市火车站为例
  • Research on Micro-Regeneration Design of Northeast Underdeveloped Cities Based on Catalyst Theory: A Case Study of Ulanhot Railway Station
  • 浏览量:
  • 吴静轩 唐相龙
  • WU Jingxuan TANG Xianglong
  • 摘要:
    在存量发展已成为大势所趋、旧城火车站片区发展瓶颈日渐凸显、国内对欠发达城市火车站片区更新研究较少等背景下,以欠发达城市乌兰浩特市的火车站片区为例,在对其进行范围界定和现状问题总结的基础上,引入触媒理论微更新理念,提出基于触媒理论的乌兰浩特市火车站片区微更新技术路线。将火车站片区微更新设计分为触媒要素的选取、触媒要素的拓展、触媒地块的设计方案和触媒地块的设计导则4 部分;详细介绍触媒要素的选取方法,确定经触媒要素拓展后的触媒地块,提供各触媒地块的更新设计方案,为每一触媒地块设定以建筑高度、建筑风貌、景观小品、广告店招为主要控制内容的微更新设计导则;明确指出乌兰浩特火车站片区微更新设计对其他类似城市火车站片区更新设计的理论启示与实践借鉴。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the context of infi ll development, railway station areas in old cities are facing increasingly more problems, while the railway station areas of underdeveloped cities in China receive little attention. Using Ulanhot railway station area as a case study, this article aims to address these challenges. Firstly, it outlines the scope of the Ulanhot railway station area and provides a summary of its current state. Secondly, it proposes a technical approach to micro-renewal based on catalyst theory. Thirdly, it breaks down the micro-renewal design into four components: 1) selection of catalyst elements; 2) expansion of catalyst elements to multiple blocks; 3) design of the selected catalyst blocks; 4) design guidelines. The article then delves into the methods for selecting catalyst elements, identifi es three blocks as catalyst blocks, presents detailed micro-renewal design plans for each block, and outlines guidelines such as building height, architectural style, landscape furniture, and advertising shop signs. Finally, it highlights the feasible and unfeasible aspects of the Ulanhot railway station area’s micro-renewal design, off ering insights for similar renewal projects in other cities.
  • Key words: Northeast region; underdeveloped cities; railway station area; Ulanhot railway station; microregeneration; catalyst theory
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