- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)03-0060-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.03.009
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目“城镇化政策演进与京津冀乡村空间网络变迁的响应机制研究”(51978447)。
- 作者简介:曾鹏,博士,天津大学建筑学院副院长、城乡规划系主任,教授,小城镇规划发展研究所所长;
- 城乡融合视角下大都市区乡村多层次发展路径探究 ——以北京市通州区枣林庄村为例
- Research on Rural Multi-Level Development Paths in Metropolitan Areas from the Perspective of Urban-Rural Integration: A Case Study of Zaolinzhuang Village in Tongzhou District of Beijing
- 浏览量:
- 曾鹏 任晓桐 满达
- ZENG Peng REN Xiaotong MAN Da
- 摘要:
乡村地区是城乡区域发展的重要支撑,但处于城镇化前沿地区的大都市区乡村发展中往往存在着“内生动力塌陷、区域发展错位及城乡关系失衡”等问题,亟待探索新的发展路径。伴随着我国进入城乡融合发展新阶段,有必要通过划分乡村个体、乡村群落和城乡区域三级空间,提出乡村振兴三级目标与“三级正向互促”发展框架。结合北京市通州区枣林庄村的典型实例,深入探讨了乡村个体“激活潜力差异化定位”、乡村群落“互补优势整体化统筹”与城乡区域“优化结构网络化融合”的三级发展路径及之间的正向互促机制,为城乡融合发展提供新思路。 - 关键词:
城乡融合;大都市区;乡村多层次发展路径;枣林庄村; - Abstract: Rural areas are an important support for the development of urban and rural areas. However, the rural development of metropolitan areas at the forefront of urbanization often has problems such as “collapse of endogenous dynamics, dislocation of regional development, and imbalance of urban-rural relations”, and it is urgent to explore new development paths. As my country enters a new stage of urban-rural integration development, it is necessary to divide the three-level rural development space of rural individuals, rural communities and urban-rural regions, determines the internal, regional and overall three-level goals of rural development, and propose a “three-level positive mutual promotion” development framework for rural revitalization. Combining the typical example of Zaolinzhuang village, further explore the multi-level rural development path: the rural individuals development of “diff erentiated positioning of activation potential”; the rural communities development path of “comprehensive planning of complementary advantages”; and the urban-rural regions development path of “optimized structure network integration”. It also expounds the internal mechanism of positive mutual promotion between the three, which provides new ideas for the integrated development of urban-rural areas.
- Key words: urban-rural integration; metropolitan areas; multi-level development paths of rural area; Zaolinzhuang village
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