- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)03-0074-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.03.011
- 作者简介:柳立子,女,广州市社会科学院城市文化研究所副所长、文化产业研究中心副主任,广州市博士科技创新研究会副会长。
- 城市形象建构与城市生活方式 ——以广州城市形象与广式生活为例
- Construction of Urban Cultural Image and Urban Lifestyle: A Case Study of Guangzhou City Image and Cantonese- Style Life
- 浏览量:
- 柳立子
- LIU Lizi
- 摘要:
城市独特的生活方式是一个城市区别于其他城市的最关键要义,也必定成为城市文化形象建构的核心内容。文章尝试以“广州城市形象与广式生活”为例,通过对“广式生活”进行外延内涵的阐释,提出广州城市形象以“广式生活”为核心的建构策略,从而揭示城市形象建构应以城市生活方式为核心展开:一是以城市生活方式形成的物质场景为具象基础;二是以城市生活方式形成的文化意象为情感力量;三是以城市生活方式形成的哲学内涵为规则理性。 - 关键词:
城市形象建构;城市生活方式;广式生活;文化意象;哲学内涵; - Abstract: A city’s unique way of life is what sets it apart from others and is the cornerstone of building its cultural identity. This paper explores the construction of Guangzhou’s city image centered on the Cantonese-style life. By examining the essence and manifestation of this lifestyle, the paper proposes a three-pronged approach to city image building: fi rst, by grounding it in the tangible material aspects of urban life; second, by infusing it with the emotional appeal of cultural imagery; and third, by imbuing it with the underlying philosophical signifi cance of the urban lifestyle.
- Key words: city image construction; urban lifestyle; Cantonese-style life; cultural imagery; philosophical connotation
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