- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)04-0114-06
- 中图分类号:D63 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.04.017
- 项目基金:南京新时代中国特色社会主义发展研究院课题项目“数字赋能基层治理能力提升南京案例研究”(2022-4-1);南京林业大学生态文明建设研究一般项目“垃圾分类多元共治困境及其机制优化研究”(A2021YB15);南京市青年文化英才培养项目“街镇治理效能研究博士工作站”。
- 作者简介:王泗通,南京林业大学人文社会科学学院讲师,主要研究方向:环境社会学、社会治理;
- 基层智慧治理创新:内涵、成效与风险
- Innovation in Grassroots Smart Governance: Connotation, Eff ectiveness and Risk
- 浏览量:
- 王泗通 任克强
- WANG Sitong REN Keqiang
- 摘要:
随着大数据的快速发展,以人工智能技术为核心的智能化已成为基层治理创新的重要手段。智慧治理创新不仅提升了基层精细化治理理念,还强化了基层“一核多元”治理模式,更是达成了重塑基层“立体化”治理机制的根本目标。从智慧治理实践成效来看,智慧治理在引领基层治理高质量发展、倒逼政府治理改革以及提升基层“智治力”等方面发挥着巨大作用。然而,人工智能技术在基层治理领域表现出较高价值的同时,也带来居民重要信息泄露、基层自治空间不断压缩以及社会结构可能解组的风险。由此文章提出应提升个体和组织的风险应对能力、构建多元主体协作化解潜在风险机制、借助政策实施防范智能化失范等防范基层智慧治理创新风险的优化建议。 - 关键词:
基层智慧治理;基本内涵;实践成效;潜在风险; - Abstract: With the rapid development of big data, AI-based technology has become an important tool for grassroots governance innovation. Smart governance innovation not only improves the concept of fine governance at the grassroots level, but also strengthens the“one core and multiple”governance model, and even achieves the fundamental goal of reshaping the“three-dimensional”governance mechanism at the grassroots level. From the perspective of practical results, smart governance plays a signifi cant role in leading the high-quality development of grassroots governance, driving government reform, and improving “smart governance”at the grassroots level. However, while AI technology has demonstrated high value in the field of grassroots governance, there are also risks associated with the leakage of important resident information, the continued compression of grassroots autonomy space, and the possible disintegration of social structure. Therefore, this paper proposes optimization suggestions to prevent the innovation risks of grassroots smart governance. These suggestions include improving the risk response abilities of individuals and organizations, building a multi-agent cooperation mechanism to resolve potential risks, and implementing policies to prevent the loss of intelligence. By taking these steps, the potential risks associated with the use of AI-based technology in grassroots governance can be minimized, allowing for the realization of the full potential of this innovative tool.
- Key words: grass-roots smart governance; basic connotation; practical results; potential risk
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