- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)04-0120-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.04.018
- 作者简介:钟一然,上海外国语大学英语学院,硕士研究生,主要研究英国教育发展;
- 英国大学空间落点的“小镇情结” 与“镇学融合”机制研究
- and “Integration of Town and University” in the Spatial Placement of Universities in the UK
- 浏览量:
- 钟一然 胡小武
- ZHONG Yiran HU Xiaowu
- 摘要:
中国的大学与英国的大学在空间落点上存在明显的差异。中国的知名大学往往坐落于特大或超大城市,老校区通常占据主城区的位置;而英国的一些老牌知名大学很多落点在小镇,且小镇校区沿用至今。文章对比分析英国大学和中国大学分布城市的人口数量和面积,呈现英国大学落点的“小镇情结”,通过回溯英国大学最初建校和选址的历史,探求英国大学落点钟情小镇的缘由,剖析“镇学融合”给英国大学和小镇的发展带来的优势,为未来中国新大学校区选址提供参考。 - 关键词:
英国大学;空间落点;小镇情结;镇学融合; - Abstract: The spatial placement of universities in China and the UK present distinct diff erences. Famous universities in China are usually situated in megacities or metropolises and the old campuses often occupy main urban areas. However, many well-established universities in the UK are situated in towns and the old campuses there have been used up to now. This paper compares the population and land area of cities where universities in the UK and China are located and presents the “town complex” of the placement of UK universities. Through tracing the history of the original establishment and location of UK universities, this paper explores the reasons of UK universities’ settlement in towns, analyses the strengths brought by the “integration of town and university” and provides a reference model for the future location of new university campuses in China.
- Key words: UK universities; spatial placement; town complex; integration of town and university
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