- 公共基础设施研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)04-0009-07
- 中图分类号:X705 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.04.002
- 作者简介:张舒怡,清华大学建筑学院博士研究生。
- 北京垃圾处理场站的空间结构演变及其特征研究
- Study on Evolution of Spatial Structure and Characteristics of Waste Disposal Sites in Beijing
- 浏览量:
- 张舒怡
- ZHANG Shuyi
- 摘要:
随着城市化进程的快速推进,城市垃圾处理场站从边缘飞地逐步融入中心城区域,因此急需从城市空间总体性视角对垃圾处理设施的演变特征进行研究。论文以北京市为例,分析城市垃圾处理场站的空间演变,并进一步探究其与其他重要城市要素的关系。研究结果显示,自2000年以来北京市垃圾处理场站的处理范围由城区近郊向远郊扩展,场站空间布局由单一功能的分散布局向综合功能的集聚布局转变;近郊圈的六环路周边成为北京大型垃圾处理设施分布最集中的区域。同时,垃圾处理场站与一级公路、居民点等城市要素在空间位置上临近,而远离城市治理中心。论文所研究的垃圾处理场站分布及发展演变规律对未来城市垃圾处理场站的空间位置布局具有一定参考意义。 - 关键词:
垃圾处理场站;空间结构演变;城市要素;北京; - Abstract: With the rapid advancement of urbanization, urban waste disposal sites have gradually merged from marginal enclaves into central urban areas. There is an urgent need to regard urban waste disposal sites as one of the urban elements from a macro-perspective. Selecting Beijing as an example, this paper explores the evolution of spatial structure and characteristics of waste disposal sites. Further, it analyzes the relationship between the waste disposal site and other important urban elements. The study finds that since 2000, urban waste disposal sites have shown that the scope of recycling has extended from the urban center area to the outer suburb. The general layout has changed from the scattered layout of single-functional facilities to the agglomerated layout of multi-functional facilities. As for spatial distribution, the surrounding area of the sixth ring road is the most concentrated area of large-scale urban waste disposal sites in Beijing. Furthermore, it also fi nds that urban waste disposal sites are close to urban elements such as fi rst-class highways and residential areas in space but far away from the urban governance center. The study results of urban waste disposal sites in this paper have certain reference values for the future spatial location of urban waste disposal sites.
- Key words: urban waste disposal sites; evolution of spatial structure; urban elements; Beijing
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