- 公共基础设施研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)04-0016-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.04.003
- 项目基金:国家社科基金“微区位原理研究”(18FJY005)。
- 作者简介:赵璐,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院博士研究生,研究方向:城市与区域规划、城市策划及城市战略、旅游规划及旅游策划研究;
- 西安城市文化设施布局特征及影响因素研究
- A Study on Layout Characteristics and Infl uencing Factors of Cultural Facilities in Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 赵璐 张中华 于国栋
- ZHAO Lu ZHANG Zhonghua YU Guodong
- 摘要:
城市文化设施布局是城市更新时期城市规划研究的重要内容之一。现有研究主要围绕特定区域或特定类型的文化设施布局特征和影响因素等方面展开,追求使用基于大样本数据的量化分析方法。但文化设施的规划建设是要创造一种基于文化认同与文化活动的混合使用模式,以实现促进城市和谐发展、增强自身竞争力的目标。鉴于此,文化设施布局的研究应当深入探讨文化认同的影响,要以实现城市设施空间和功能复合为目标研究文化设施与其他设施的空间相关性。文章以西安市为例,以GIS技术、POI数据为支撑,研究城市文化设施布局特征,从文化认同和相关设施因素等方面研究其布局机理,发现文化认同是影响经营性文化设施布局的主要因素,商贸娱乐设施较易与文化设施形成多样化集聚。 - 关键词:
西安市;文化设施;布局特征;影响因素; - Abstract: The layout of urban cultural facilities is one of the important contents of urban planning research in urban renewal stage. The existing researches on the layout characteristics and infl uencing factors of cultural facilities have mainly focused on the specifi c region or particular types and used the quantitative analysis methods based on large sample data. However, the planning and construction of cultural facilities is to create a mixed use model based on cultural identity and activities for the sake of urban harmonious development and self-competition enhancement. In view of this, the study on the layout of cultural facilities should deeply explore the influence of cultural identification and study on spatial correlation between cultural facilities and other facilities to make space of urban facilities composite with the function. This paper, taking Xi’an as an example, studies on the layout characteristics of urban cultural facilities with consideration of the cultural identity factor and other related ones supported by GIS technology and POI data. Finally, it shows that cultural identity is the main factor impacting on the layout of operating cultural facilities, and it is easier to form diversifi ed agglomeration between commercial entertainment facilities and cultural facilities.
- Key words: Xi’an city; cultural facilities; layout characteristics; infl uencing factors
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