- 公共基础设施研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)04-0033-08
- 中图分类号:C922;TU984.191 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.04.005
- 作者简介:牛强,武汉大学教授,研究方向为规划分析模型、规划GIS方法、城市大数据分析、未来城市研究;
- 近郊区轨道交通站点周边服务设施配套与职住人口增长关系探究 ——基于多源数据的武汉实证分析
- Research on Relationship between Service Facilities and Growth in Jobs-Housing Population around Suburban Rail Transit Stations: Evidence from Wuhan Based on Multi- Source Data
- 浏览量:
- 牛强 王思远 周婕 严雪心 刘晓阳
- NIU Qiang WANG Siyuan ZHOU Jie YAN Xuexin LIU Xiaoyang
- 摘要:
城市近郊区轨道交通进入快速发展阶段,受区域功能分化的影响,不同站点周边服务设施配套与职住人口增长情况存在差异,科学分析二者的匹配关系有助于提升近郊区轨道交通建设的开发效益和对人口的吸引力。文章以武汉市近郊区109个轨道交通站点为例,首先基于POI和手机信令数据构建站点分类指标体系;然后运用聚类法对所选站点进行分类,并分析不同类型站点的关系特征与空间分布情况;最后结合分类结果建立无序多分类logistic回归模型,分析站域内服务设施对不同类型站点的影响。研究发现:①根据服务设施配套与职住人口增长的特征,可将武汉市近郊区站点划分为高配套高密度居住高增长、中配套中密度就业中增长、低配套低密度职住低增长、低配套低密度就业低增长、低配套低密度职住低减少、低配套中密度职住高减少6种关系类型,其中低配套低密度职住低增长型为主导类型。②大部分站点周边服务设施与人口增长为正向关系,站域内完善的服务设施、适当的职住密度能够促进人口的快速增长。轨道交通的发展提高了通勤可达性,靠近市中心的大部分站点周边人口处于增长态势而郊区外围站点周边人口则处于流失状态。③商务设施密度对就业型站点有正向影响而文化设施密度对就业型站点有负向影响,医疗设施密度对职住减少型站点有负向影响。基于此,文章从人本视角对武汉市近郊区轨道交通站点的服务设施差异化配置提出策略。 - 关键词:
轨道交通;服务设施;职住人口;聚类分析;近郊区;武汉; - Abstract: Suburban rail transit is undergoing rapid development. Due to the regional differentiation in functions, there are different relationships between service facilities and population growth around different stations. Therefore, meaningful classifi cation can help improve the development benefi ts and population attractiveness of suburban rail transit planning. This study takes 109 urban rail transit (URT) stations in the suburbs of Wuhan as an example and classifi es them according to the relationship between service facilities and population growth based on mobile phone signaling data and clustering methods. The study found that: 1. The URT stations in the suburbs of Wuhan can be divided into six coupling types: high-supported high-density high resident growth, medium-supported medium-density medium working growth, low-supported low-density low growth, low-supported low-density low reduction, low-supported low-density low resident reduction, and low-supported medium-density high reduction. Among them, the number of low-support, low-density, and low-growth stations is the largest, refl ecting the lack of service facilities and population attractiveness, as well as the jobs-housing mismatch around the URT stations in the suburbs of Wuhan. 2. Comprehensive service facilities and appropriate jobs-housing density within the station area can promote population growth. The development of rail transit networks improved commuting accessibility, while the population around stations close to the urban main center is growing; however, the population facilities around URT stations in the suburbs of Wuhan from a humanistic perspective. Key words: around suburban stations is in a state of loss. 3.The density of business facilities has a positive effect on employment-oriented stations, while the density of cultural facilities has a negative eff ect on employment-oriented stations. The density of medical facilities has a negative effect on reduced employment and residence stations. Therefore, this article proposes strategies for the differentiated configuration of service facilities around URT stations in the suburbs of Wuhan from a humanistic perspective.
- Key words: urban rail transit; service facilities; jobs-housing population; cluster analysis; suburb; Wuhan
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