- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)05-0059-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.05.009
- 项目基金:2021年河北省社会科学基金“存量规划背景下河北省工业遗产利用效度与优化路径研究”(HB21SH003)。
- 作者简介:任彬彬,河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院副教授;
- 基于多源数据的天津中心城区工业遗产活力度研究
- Research on the Vitality of Industrial Heritage in Central Urban Area of Tianjin Based on Multi-Source Data
- 浏览量:
- 任彬彬 王敬爽 肖少英 李建华 李昊宣
- REN Binbin WANG Jingshuang XIAO Shaoying LI Jianhua LI Haoxuan
- 摘要:
天津中心城区保存有大量的工业遗产,再生价值巨大,但在其再利用过程中存在诸多问题。基于此,论文以工业遗产活力度为切入点,利用多源数据从工业遗产文化活力、社会活力、经济活力、人群活力等4 个维度筛选指标。根据因子分析与层次分析法构建工业遗产活力度量化评价体系,运用层次分析法与熵权法计算组合评价权重。研究结果表明,以海河为轴向四周扩散,工业遗产活力度呈下降趋势;工业遗产活力度越高,其知名度越高;其功能类型多为文化展览、主题休闲、创意产业园、开敞空间。根据工业遗产活力度的研究结果,从空间品质、功能置换、设施布局3 个层面提出工业遗产活力度提升策略,希望以此增强邻里归属感,激发市民对工业遗产的兴趣,使天津工业遗产文化得以传承。 - 关键词:
天津中心城区;工业遗产;活力度;多源数据; - Abstract: In the central urban area of Tianjin, there are many preserved industrial heritage sites that have signifi cant potential for regeneration. However, there are still many challenges in the process of repurposing these sites. To address this issue, researchers have developed an evaluation system based on the vitality of industrial heritage, using multi-source data to screen indicators from four dimensions: cultural, social, economic, and crowd vitality. Through factor analysis and analytic hierarchy process, this system measures the vitality of industrial heritage and calculates combined evaluation weights using the entropy method. The research fi ndings show that the vitality of industrial heritage in Tianjin generally decreases along the Haihe River axis, with higher vitality sites attracting more visitors. Most repurposed industrial heritage sites serve as cultural exhibitions, theme leisure areas, creative industrial parks, or open spaces. Based on these fi ndings, researchers propose strategies to enhance the vitality of industrial heritage in Tianjin, focusing on spatial quality, functional replacement, and facility layout. These strategies aim to strengthen the community's sense of ownership, generate interest in industrial heritage among citizens, and promote the cultural inheritance of Tianjin's industrial heritage.
- Key words: central urban area of Tianjin; industrial heritage; vitality; multi-source data
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