  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)05-0110-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.05.015
  • 项目基金:自然资源部城市国土资源监测与仿真重点实验室开放基金资助课题(KF-2018-03-059);深圳市城市规划设计研究院科研基金。
  • 作者简介:郭磊贤,博士,深圳市城市规划设计研究院股份有限公司,副所长,高级工程师; 黄拯,硕士,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院,助理工程师; 郭晓芳,硕士,深圳市城市规划设计研究院股份有限公司,高级主任工程师; 吴晓莉,通信作者,硕士,自然资源部城市国土资源监测与仿真重点实验室,教授级高级工程师,深圳市前海蛇口自贸投资发展有限公司,规划总监。
  • 拆除重建类城市更新对城市通勤系统的外部影响评估 ——基于深圳25个样本单元的实证分析
  • Evaluation of the External Impact of Demolition-and- Reconstruction-Mode Urban Renewal on Urban Commuting System: An Empirical Analysis Based on 25 Sample Units in Shenzhen
  • 浏览量:
  • 郭磊贤 黄拯 郭晓芳 吴晓莉
  • GUO Leixian HUANG Zheng GUO Xiaofang WU Xiaoli
  • 摘要:
    长期以来,拆除重建类城市更新遭到了学术界的批判,但是这些批判未建立在量化实证研究的基础上,难以准确客观认知拆除重建类城市更新对城市系统施加的影响。文章尝试以城市通勤系统作为城市系统的一个子系统,量化分析拆除重建类城市更新给城市通勤系统造成的外部效应。为此,文章构建了更新前后长距离通勤量差的计算框架,选取深圳的25 个城市更新单元为样本,利用基于位置信息服务的人口大数据,定量评估了城市更新对城市通勤系统压力的增减影响。研究发现,因更新拆除而搬迁人群中未更换工作且长距离通勤者占比是影响更新对城市通勤系统外部压力的关键参数,不同更新单元的实施对城市通勤系统的影响具有差异性。结果表明,拆除重建类城市更新并不必然是城市健康发展的阻碍,学术界应客观看待此类城市更新实践的真实效应。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: For a long time, the demolition and reconstruction type of urban renewal has been widely criticized by the academic community. However, these criticisms are not based on quantitative and empirical research, making it diffi cult to accurately and objectively understand the impact of demolition and reconstruction type of urban renewal on the urban system. This article attempts to use the urban commuting system as a subsystem of the urban system and quantitatively analyze the external effects of demolition and reconstruction type of urban renewal on the urban commuting system. To achieve this, the article constructs a calculation framework for the difference in long-distance commuting before and after the urban renewal, selects 25 urban renewal units in Shenzhen as samples, and uses population big data based on location information services to quantitatively evaluate the impact of urban renewal on the pressure of the urban commuting system. The study found that the proportion of non-job-changing long-distance commuters in the relocated population due to demolition and reconstruction is a key parameter affecting the external pressure of urban renewal on the urban commuting system. The implementation of diff erent renewal units has different eff ects on the urban commuting system. The results show that demolition and reconstruction type of urban renewal is not necessarily an obstacle to the healthy development of cities. The academic community should objectively view the true effects of such urban renewal practices.
  • Key words: urban regeneration; urban renewal; planning implementation evaluation; commuting; big data for planning
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