  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)05-0068-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:A
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.05.010
  • 项目基金:湖南省自然科学基金面上项目“老龄化趋势下中部丘陵地区老年人总体机动性的影响机制研究”(2020JJ4197);新进教师科研启动经费“中央党校基本科研业务费”资助;湖南省社科基金教育学专项课题项目“城乡教育均衡发展视角下的学校规模决策影响机制研究”(20YBJ04);湖南省社会科学成果委员会课题资助项目“湖南省养老机构配置机制及政策选择研究”(XSP19YBZ121)。
  • 作者简介:彭科,博士,湖南大学建筑与规划学院副教授; 李超骕,通信作者,香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学域助理教授; 欧阳虹彬,湖南大学建筑与规划学院副教授; 肖艳阳,湖南大学建筑与规划学院副教授。
  • 空间可达性研究述评 ——基于土地利用和交通互动视角
  • A Review on the Spatial Accessibility: A Perspective from the Interaction between Land Use and Transportation
  • 浏览量:
  • 彭科 李超骕 欧阳虹彬 肖艳阳
  • PENG Ke LI Chaosu OUYANG Hongbin XIAO Yanyang
  • 摘要:
    近年来空间可达性研究成果数量呈快速递增趋势,鉴于该领域可达性概念内涵不断拓宽,研究问题类型不断丰富,有必要对其间的研究成果进行总结,使人们更清楚地认识现阶段该领域研究存在的问题以及今后的研究方向。论文从土地利用和交通互动视角对可达性研究进行述评,不但对可达性内涵提出更明确要求,而且指出可达性子课题研究的意义和子课题之间的相互关系。研究方法方面,以中外核心和社会科学引文索引(SSCI)期刊为载体,回顾2009—2018 年这10 年间可达性研究的总体进展,包括论文发表数量、刊物类型、研究技术方法、研究空间层面和对象等;在辨析可达性内涵基础上,回顾6大可达性相关主题下的热点问题,包括可达性与区位、社会经济属性、居住选址和房(地)价、交通行为、公共健康行为及公共政策评估等的互动关系问题。发现可达性研究领域未来仍然有大量的具体工作要做,其中最关键的3 方面为:进一步探索可达性与体系内其他土地利用和交通要素的相互关系、继续优化可达性衡量方法,以及加强可达性作为规划政策分析工具的功能。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The number of research achievements in the fi eld of spatial accessibility has shown a rapid increase in recent years. Given the continuously expanding connotation of accessibility and the increasing diversity of research questions in this fi eld, it is necessary to summarize the research achievements to provide a clearer understanding of the existing problems and future research directions in this fi eld. From the perspective of the interaction between land use and transportation, this paper reviews accessibility research, not only proposing clearer requirements for the connotation of accessibility, but also pointing out the signifi cance of sub-topic research and the interrelationships between sub-topics. Using core domestic and foreign databases and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) journals as carriers, this paper reviews the overall progress of accessibility research from 2009 to 2018, including the number of papers published, types of publications, research techniques, spatial levels and objects of study. Based on an analysis of the connotation of accessibility, the paper reviews the hot issues in six major accessibility-related topics, including the interaction between accessibility and location, social and economic attributes, residential location and housing (land) prices, transportation behavior, public health behavior, and public policy evaluation. It is found that there is still a lot of specifi c work to be done in the fi eld of accessibility research in the future. The three most critical aspects are: further exploring the interrelationships between accessibility and other land use and transportation elements within the system, continuing to optimize accessibility measurement methods, and strengthening the functionality of accessibility as a planning and policy analysis tool.
  • Key words: spatial accessibility; interaction between land use and transportation; review
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