- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)05-0101-09
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.05.014
- 作者简介:庄潜艺,上海师范大学天华学院商学院,专职教师、硕士研究生,研究方向:应用金融;
- 海归地方主官、科技支出与城市经济发展 ——来自283 个地级市的实证证据
- The Overseas Returnee Officers, Science Research Expenditure and Urban Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from 283 Chinese Prefecture-Level Cities
- 浏览量:
- 庄潜艺 王展 高翔
- ZHUANG Qianyi WANG Zhan GAO Xiang
- 摘要:
在海外高学历人才大量回国工作的背景下,地方主官的海归背景是否会对其所在城市经济发展带来影响?影响的路径又是什么?基于上述思考,文章利用2001 至2019 年中国283 个地级市数据,揭示了海归背景的地方主官对其所在地级市发展的带动作用,探究了人力资本优势转化到地区发展的3 条影响路径。结果表明:第一,拥有海归背景的地方主官确实会促进其所在地级市的发展;第二,增加科技支出是海归背景地方主官影响所在地级市经济发展的首要路径;第三,完善基础设施建设以及扩大外商投资是海归地方主官影响所在地级市经济发展的另外两条路径。 - 关键词:
海归背景;地方主官;科技支出;基础设施;外商投资; - Abstract: In the context of a large number of highly-educated overseas talents returning to China, we ask whether these returnees, when they assume the role of prefecture-level offi cials, can exert positive infl uences on local economic development. To answer this question, this paper uses data on 283 cities in China from 2001 to 2019, and fi nds that overseas returnee officials play an important role in facilitating the development of the cities they are serving. We continue to explore three paths that function in transforming human capital advantages into regional development. The increase in the expenditure on science and technology research is the primary path for the overseas returnee officials to enhance the economic development of the local prefecture-level cities. The construction of infrastructure and the expansion of foreign investment are the other two functionary paths.
- Key words: overseas educational background; local offi cials; science and technology research expenditure; infrastructure construction; foreign investment
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