- 碳中和与国土空间优化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)06-0008-09
- 中图分类号:Q948;TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.06.002
- 项目基金:自然资源部碳中和与国土空间优化重点实验室开放基金项目(2021KF07)。
- 作者简介:唐天君,贵州省自然资源勘测规划研究院,工程师,主要研究方向:国土调查、“双碳”目标下国土空间优化;
- 国土空间规划政策下快速城镇化地区土地利用变化及碳储量研究 ——以贵阳市为例
- Evolution Simulation of Carbon Sinks in Rapid Urbanization Areas under Territorial Spatial Planning Policy: A Study on Guiyang
- 浏览量:
- 唐天君 周华 韩敏
- TANG Tianjun ZHOU Hua HAN Min
- 摘要:
国土空间规划出台的相关政策,对土地利用变化影响明显,进而对区域碳储量带来影响。文章以快速城镇化地区贵阳市为例,利用FLUS 模型分别进行自然发展、国土空间规划约束两种情景模拟,探究各情景下碳储量能力。研究发现:①国土空间规划将实施至2035 年,在平衡发展和保护方面可发挥积极作用,相比2020 年,耕地保持稳定,林地面积增长32.61%,城镇建设用地增长相比自然发展情景可减少1.16 个百分点。②在同一阶段,自然发展情景碳储量减少0.24×106t,国土空间规划约束情景碳储量增加6.37×106t,国土空间规划相关政策实施在增强碳汇上作用显著,通过国土空间规划编制及其实施可以有效推进区域碳汇能力提升,支撑国家“双碳”政策落地。③模型研究法在开展国土空间规划相关研究中,应考虑国土空间用途管制政策空间异质性,分区域模拟提升研究准确性。 - 关键词:
碳储量;FLUS模型;国土空间规划;贵阳市; - Abstract: The relevant policies introduced in the territorial spatial planning have a significant impact on land use change, and thus on regional carbon sinks. The paper takes Guiyang, a rapidly urbanized area, as an example, uses FLUS model to simulate two scenarios, natural development and territorial spatial planning constraints, to explore the carbon sinks capacity under each scenario. The study found that: ① Compared to 2020, the territorial spatial planning plays a positive role in balanced development and protection till 2035. Cultivated land remains stable, the forest land increases by 32.61%, and the growth of urban construction land can be reduced by 1.16 percentage points compared to natural development scenarios. ② At the same stage, the carbon sinks under natural development scenario decreases by 0.24×106t, and under the constraint scenario of territorial spatial planning increased by 6.37×106t, relevant policies of land and space planning have played a significant role in enhancing carbon sequestration targets, the territorial spatial planning plays a significant role in supporting the implementation of the national “double carbon”policy. ③ The model research method should take into account the spatial heterogeneity of land space use control policies and improve the accuracy of research by regional simulation in the research of land space planning.
- Key words: carbon sinks; FLUS model; territorial spatial planning; Guiyang
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