  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)06-0053-08
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.06.008
  • 项目基金:青岛社科规划项目(QDSKL1601065)。
  • 作者简介:赵建军,青岛大学旅游与地理科学学院,副教授; 高啸峰,青岛理工大学土木工程学院,讲师。
  • 青岛历史街区的价值再现与转型发展
  • The Value Reproduction and Transforming Development of Qingdao Historic Districts
  • 浏览量:
  • 赵建军 高啸峰
  • ZHAO Jianjun GAO Xiaofeng
  • 摘要:
    历史街区是一个城市的灵魂,青岛历史街区集中连片,13 个历史街区有12 个集中分布在老城区,这些历史街区以其独特的建筑风貌、街巷肌理和空间格局,成为青岛宝贵的财富,但因其独特的地理位置和发展历程,青岛部分历史街区发展停滞甚至衰退。随着青岛地铁和海底隧道的开通,青岛城市空间正在快速重构,在这种背景下,急需重新评估和再现历史街区价值,推动历史街区转型发展。从价值评价视角对青岛历史街区的更新过程与发展演化进行评述;基于对青岛历史街区价值的系统建构,构建青岛历史街区多维价值评价体系。从生态、物态、形态、居态、职态、业态、神态和文态8 个维度,构建青岛历史街区定量评价指标体系,建立青岛历史街区全息数据库;经过对75 个二级指标的主成分分析和12 个历史街区各个主成分的得分分析,揭示各个历史街区在8 个维度的结构性特征和突出性问题;利用提取的7 个有效主成分,对青岛12 个历史街区进行聚类分析,对青岛历史街区进行类型划分与特征归纳。在对青岛历史街区演进机制进行系统分析的基础上,提出青岛历史街区价值再现转型发展策略。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Historical districts are the soul of a city. 12 of all 13 Qingdao historic districts are centrally located in the inner city. These historical districts have become the precious wealth of Qingdao with their unique architectural features, street texture and spatial patterns. But, because of their special geographical locations and development trajectory, these historic districts have been experiencing a sustained stagnation even recession. With the opening and operation of Qingdao Metro and Submarine Tunnel, the urban space of Qingdao is being reconstructed rapidly. Against this background, it is urgent to reevaluate and reproduce the values of historic districts and then promote the transformation and development of them. First,from the perspective of value evaluation, this paper reviews the renewal process and development evolution of Qingdao historical district. Based on the systematic construction of the values of historical districts, the multidimensional value evaluation system of Qingdao historical districts is constructed. Then, the quantitative evaluation index system of Qingdao historical districts is constructed, from eight dimensions of ecology, constructed environment, architectural form, residence, job state, industrial form, social state and cultural state, and the holographic database of Qingdao historic districts is also established. Based on the holographic database, the principal component analysis, namely, load analysis is conducted on the 75 indicators, and the scores of the main components of 12 historical districts are also analyzed. By the analysis mentioned above, the structural characteristics and main problems of each historical district in eight dimensions are revealed. By the cluster analysis based on the 7 effective main components extracted above, the types of Qingdao historical districts are divided and their characteristics are generalized. On the basis of systematic analysis of the evolution mechanism of Qingdao historic districts, this paper finally puts forward the tactics of value reproduction and transformation of Qingdao historic districts.
  • Key words: historic district; value reproduction; transformation development; cluster analysis; evolution mechanism
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