- 碳中和与国土空间优化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)06-0017-06
- 中图分类号:X321 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.06.003
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(42271178);自然资源部碳中和与国土空间优化重点实验室开放基金项目(2021KF04)。
- 作者简介:毛熙彦,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院副教授;
- 城乡关联视角下的秸秆焚烧火点分 特征及其碳排放效应
- The Urban-Rural Linkage behind the Distribution of Burning Straw and its Eff ect on Carbon Emissions
- 浏览量:
- 毛熙彦 朱华玺 鲍兆祥 胡羽晴 龙吟霜
- MAO Xiyan ZHU Huaxi BAO Zhaoxiang HU Yuqing LONG Yinshuang
- 摘要:
秸秆焚烧问题是乡村生产生活方式在快速城镇化进程中发生转型的产物。城乡关联视角有助于理解秸秆焚烧问题的成因,为精细化治理奠定基础。文章基于SatSee-Fire 数据集,以耕地为掩膜提取2014—2021 年全国秸秆焚烧火点,综合焚烧概率、作物产量、谷草比、排放因子、综合利用率等参数估算秸秆焚烧的碳排放量,应用STIRPAT模型检验城乡关联对于秸秆焚烧碳排放的影响。结果表明:①秸秆焚烧及其碳排放集中于粮食主产区,呈现北高南低的格局,形成以东北为核心,向外圈层衰减的核心—边缘结构;②人口非农化加速了秸秆从资源变为剩余,城乡收入差距的扩大提高了秸秆处理的机会成本,加剧了秸秆焚烧的负外部性,导致碳排放增加;③ 城乡关联对秸秆焚烧碳排放的影响存在南北差异。未来应积极探索通过城乡关联强化秸秆综合利用的途径,实现分时分区、“禁”“用”结合的精细化治理。 - 关键词:
秸秆禁烧;碳排放;城乡融合;可持续; - Abstract: The issue of burning straw results from rural transformation during rapid urbanization. A
perspective of urban-rural linkages provides a better chance to unravel the cause of burning straw issues, leading to the refined management of burning straw. This study obtains the location of burning straw across the country during 2014-2021, based on the SatSee-Fire dataset. This study estimates the carbon emission from burning straw by integrating multiple relevant coefficients, including the burning probability, crop yield, grain-to-straw ratio, emission factor, and utilization ratio. This study further applies the STIRPAT model to empirically examine the effects of urban-rural linkages on carbon emissions from burning straws. The results demonstrate that: ①the location of burning straw concentrates in major grain-producing areas, descending from the North to the South. The spatial pattern represents a core-periphery structure in which the northeastern region is the core. ②The urbanization process turns the straw from resources to residuals. The enlarging urban-rural income gap increases the opportunity costs for rural households to utilize the straw. It also results in more negative externalities of burning straws. Overall, the urban-rural linkages increase carbon emissions from burning straws. ③The effects of urban-rural linkages on carbon emissions of burning straw are different between the North and the South. More attention should be paid to promoting straw utilization by enhancing urban-rural linkages, leading to a spatiotemporal-specifi c way of management and a combination of the burning ban and utilization promotion.
- Key words: burning straw; carbon emission; urban-rural integration; sustainability
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