- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)06-0119-06
- 中图分类号:F207 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.06.018
- 项目基金:江苏师范大学研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(2020XKT051)。
- 作者简介:钱月祥,苏州科技大学地理科学与测绘工程学院助教。
- “流空间”视角下淮河生态经济带网络结构研究
- Research on Network Structure of Huaihe River Eco- Economic Belt from the Perspective of Flow Space
- 浏览量:
- 钱月祥
- QIAN Yuexiang
- 摘要:
论文以“流空间”为研究视角,构建了淮河生态经济带人口、物流、资金及信息流联系网络,结合社会网络分析揭示了区域联系网络特征。研究发现,区域内资金和信息联系高于人口和物流联系,徐州市各类要素联系总强度都较高且3 种中心性指标均为最高,为区域要素联系的枢纽性城市;扬州市与其附近单元联系紧密因而要素联系总强度也较高但与其他单元联系强度较弱。淮河生态经济带28 个单元可划分为4 个凝聚子群,由江苏板块和山东板块组成的子群内部凝聚力最强且对其他子群具有相对较强的凝聚力,其他子群内部凝聚力较弱且对其他子群影响也较弱。淮河生态经济带城市可划分为核心城市、次核心城市、一般城市和边缘城市,其中核心城市为徐州,次核心城市为阜阳、蚌埠和淮安,边缘城市往往在区域内处于边缘位置且本身经济发展水平较低。最后,基于区域网络结构特征提出政策建议,以期为淮河生态经济带争创“中国发展第四极”提供有益指导。 - 关键词:
“流空间”;网络结构;淮河生态经济带; - Abstract: This paper takes “f low space” as the research perspective and constructs a network of population, logistics, capital, and information flows in the Huaihe River Eco-Economic Belt to reveal regional network characteristics through social network analysis. The study found that capital and information connections are higher than population and logistics connections in the region. Xuzhou has the highest total strength of various element connections and the highest value for all three centrality indicators, making it the hub city for regional element connections. Yangzhou has close connections with its nearby units, so its total strength of element connections is also high, but its strength of connections
with other units is weaker. The 28 units in the Huaihe River Eco-Economic Belt can be divided into four cohesive subgroups, with the subgroup composed of Jiangsu and Shandong having the strongest internal cohesion and relatively strong cohesion with other subgroups, while other subgroups have weaker internal cohesion and weaker influence on other subgroups. The cities in the Huaihe River Eco-Economic Belt can be divided into core cities, sub-core cities, general cities, and edge cities, with Xuzhou as the core city and Fuyang, Bengbu, and Huai’an as sub-core cities, while edge cities are often located on the edge of the region with a lower level of economic development. Finally, policy suggestions are proposed based on the characteristics of the regional network structure to provide useful guidance for the Huaihe River Eco-Economic Belt to strive for the goal of becoming the “fourth pole of Chinese development”.
- Key words: fl ow space; network structure; Huaihe River Eco-Economic Belt
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