- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)07-0043-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.07.007
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“城市蔓延驱动机理的微观决策交互模拟与调控策略研究”(41871169);国家自然科学基金项目“顾及时空非平稳特征的城市群土地利用演变元胞自动机模型构建”(42171411)。
- 作者简介:胡宏伟,浙江大学公共管理学院硕士研究生;
- 融合ABM与博弈论的武汉市城镇开发边界划定与优化
- Delimitation of Urban Development Boundary with ABM and Game Theory in Wuhan City
- 浏览量:
- 胡宏伟 施越楚 王海军 陶奕宏 岳文泽
- HU Hongwei SHI Yuechu WANG Haijun TAO Yihong YUE Wenze
- 摘要:
城镇开发边界的划定与优化工作一直是国土空间规划改革的重要组成部分,其有助于遏制城市盲目扩张,促进资源结构有序重组。文章以武汉市为研究对象,从模拟角度探索城镇开发边界的划定与优化方法。考虑不同微观主体的偏好与目标,将多智能体模型(A BM)与元胞自动机(CA)耦合,初步划定城镇开发边界,在此基础上,引入基于博弈论的城市开发生态冲突耦合协调机制,实现划定结果的优化。研究表明:基于ABM的城镇开发边界划定方法可以深度刻画微观层面的智能体决策行为,且不同收入水平的居民智能体具有不同的偏好与目标;优化后城市用地面积为519.32 km2,新增城市用地主要集中在中心城区边缘,呈点状填充式扩展,且主城区外已出现了一定数量的卫星城,如黄陂前川、新洲邾城等。文章的研究从开发与保护的视角出发,旨在为国土空间开发格局优化提供参考。 - 关键词:
城镇开发边界;博弈理论;多智能体模型;ABM;;城市模拟;武汉市; - Abstract: The demarcation and optimization of urban development boundaries has consistently been a crucial element of territorial spatial planning reform. These practices are essential in preventing unchecked urban sprawl and in encouraging an orderly reorganization of resource structures. This research focuses on Wuhan city and delves into methodologies for the initial determination and subsequent optimization of urban development boundaries from a simulation perspective. Taking into account the preferences and goals of different micro-level entities, it couples the agent-based modeling (ABM) with cellular automaton (CA) to preliminarily delineate urban development boundary. On this basis, it introduces a coupling and coordination mechanism based on game theory for urban development and ecological conflict, aiming to optimize the delineation results. After simulation and optimization, the urban land area is 519.32 km2. The newly added urban land is mainly concentrated at the periphery of the central city area, expanding in a scattered and infill manner. Moreover, a certain number of satellite cities have emerged outside the main urban area, such as Qianchuan street, Huangpi district and Zhucheng street, Xinzhou district. This paper starts from the perspective of development and protection, aiming to provide references for the optimization of land spatial development patterns.
- Key words: urban development boundary; game theory; agent-based modeling (ABM); urban simulation; Wuhan city
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