- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)08-0113-06
- 中图分类号:TU984;X32 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.08.016
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金重点项目“基于大数据与深度学习的城市空间结构解译方法研究”(51978535)。
- 作者简介:郑段雅,武汉市园林规划设计研究院有限公司,高级工程师;
- 基于多源大数据和网络模型的城市绿道精细化选线研究 ——以武汉市城市绿道为例
- The Research on Urban Greenway Fineness Route Selection Technology Based on Multivariate Big Data and Network Model: A Cace Study of Wuhan Greenways
- 浏览量:
- 郑段雅 周星宇 何迎佳 江文文
- ZHENG Duanya ZHOU Xingyu HE Yingjia JIANG Wenwen
- 摘要:
技术分析是绿道精细化选线的重要手段,文章根据城市绿道特点,构建“两类三层次”的城市绿道精细化选线技术体系。“两类”是指将城市绿道分为资源游憩类和慢行交通类两种主要的选线模式,前者是以目标为导向,重点实现城区重要游憩资源高效串接,后者是以需求为导向,重点研究并满足居民实际慢行(以骑行为代表)诉求。“三层次”是指利用资源类和行为轨迹类等多源数据,结合ArcGIS 网络模型、百度地图智能选线API、空间句法模型等技术,形成“节点聚合提取、线路连接构建、网络评价优化”3 个层次的选线步骤。最后以武汉市主城区城市绿道选线为例,判断该方法具有一定应用前景。 - 关键词:
城市绿道;绿道精细化选线;大数据;摩拜单车;网络模型;空间句法;武汉市; - Abstract: Based on the characteristics of urban greenways, this paper constructs a technical system for fine-tuned route selection of urban greenways, which includes “two types and three levels”. The “two types” divide urban greenways into resource recreation and slow traffic types. The former is goal-oriented, focusing on the efficient connection of signifi cant recreational resources in urban areas; while the latter is demandoriented, mainly addressing and fulfilling the residents’ actual slow-motion (primarily cycling) needs. The “three levels” leverage various data types, including resources and behavioral trajectories, and combines technologies like the ArcGIS network model, Baidu Map intelligent route selection API, and spatial syntax models to form a route selection process of “node aggregation extraction, route connection construction, and network evaluation optimization”. Using the urban greenway route selection in the main urban area of Wuhan as an example, this study shows that this method has a certain application prospect.
- Key words: urban greenway; greenway fi neness selecting; big data; mobike; network mode; spatial syntax; Wuhan city
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