- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)08-0090-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.08.013
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“低碳”与“集约”双重约束下我国城市建设用地利用效率研究:测度与优化(72004187);国家自然科学基金常规面上项目:西部平原城市与山地城市多中心开发的环境绩效比较研究:以成都和重庆为例(41771534)。
- 作者简介:宗婷,西南大学资源环境学院,硕士研究生,研究方向为可持续城镇化;
- 中国省域城镇化与资源环境承载力的格兰杰因果关系分析
- Granger Causality for the Relationship between Urbanization and Resource Environmental Carrying Capacity in China: A Provincial Perspective
- 浏览量:
- 宗婷 吴雅 刘秀华
- ZONG Ting WU Ya LIU Xiuhua
- 摘要:
城镇化与资源环境承载力的协调发展是城镇化高质量发展的重要前提,对可持续发展至关重要。文章采用熵权—综合指数法计算2005—2017 年中国30 个省份城镇化与资源环境承载力的综合指数,利用格兰杰因果检验研究省域层面城镇化与资源环境承载力的因果关系。结果表明:2005—2017 年,省域尺度上城镇化与资源环境承载力综合指数总体呈上升趋势,但地区差异明显,呈现显著的东—中—西梯级分布;大多数省份城镇化与资源环境承载力之间存在单向因果关系。 - 关键词:
城镇化;资源环境承载力;格兰杰因果检验;中国; - Abstract: The coordination between urbanization and resource environmental carrying capacity is crucial for China’s high-quality urbanization and sustainable development. This study aims to explore the causal relationship between urbanization and resource environmental carrying capacity of the 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2017 by applying Granger causality test. The comprehensive indexes of these two systems are calculated by adopting the entropy weight-comprehensive index method. Results show that both the comprehensive indexes of urbanization and resource environmental carrying capacity on the provincial scale present an overall upward trend during the surveyed period of 2005-2017. The causal relationship shows obvious regional difference, which is characterized by a significant east-central-western ladder distribution. There exists a one-way causal relationship between urbanization and resource environmental carrying capacity in most provinces.
- Key words: urbanization; resource environmental carrying capacity; Granger causality test; China
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