- 治理现代化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)08-0001-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.08.001
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(42171199);亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放课题(2022ZB03);广东省自然科学基金项目(2022A1515011634)。
- 作者简介:赵楠楠,华南理工大学公共管理学院,博士后;
- 社会影响评估视角下我国历史街区更新的现实困境与治理优化 ——以广州恩宁路为例
- Social Impact Assessment in Addressing the Dilemma of Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Enning Road in Guangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 赵楠楠 刘玉亭 王世福
- ZHAO Nannan LIU Yuting WANG Shifu
- 摘要:
社会影响评估是应用于城市建设项目全周期的一项社会分析方法、动态监测过程与科学研究框架。文章系统梳理社会影响评估的理论框架并建构基于信息共享的社会关系网络模型,以广州市恩宁路更新项目为例,论证社会影响评估视角下该项目的社会关系变化、规划模式转型和协作治理困境。一方面,从参与者和观察者的视角,基于深度访谈和参与式行动研究等研究方法,剖析了我国历史街区更新过程中因社会影响认知不足所导致的多元主体利益失衡、公众参与开展困难、更新进展艰辛等现实困境;另一方面,指出社会影响评估框架从梳理社会关系、凸显地方知识、强化公众参与等方面嵌入我国城市更新的应用路径,并针对我国历史街区更新的治理优化提出新的思路。 - 关键词:
城市更新;社会影响评估;公众参与;社区治理;社会关系网络;地方知识; - Abstract: Social impact assessment (SIA) is a methodology, dynamic monitoring process, and research framework used throughout the lifecycle of urban construction projects. This article systematically reviews the theoretical framework of SIA and constructs a social relation network model based on information sharing. Using the Enning Road Renewal Project in Guangzhou as an example, this study demonstrates the changes in social relationships, transformation in planning patterns, and challenges in collaborative governance under the perspective of SIA. On one hand, from the perspectives of participants and observers, this study employs in-depth interviews and participatory action research to dissect the real-world dilemmas encountered in the regeneration process of historical districts in China due to insufficient cognition of social impacts, including the imbalance of multiple stakeholders’ interests, difficulties in public participation, and strenuous progress in renewal. On the other hand, this study identifies the application paths of integrating the SIA framework into urban renewal in China, including sorting out social relations, highlighting local knowledge, and strengthening public participation. Moreover, this study proposes new insights for optimizing the governance of historical district renewal in China.
- Key words: urban regeneration; social impact assessment (SIA); public participation; community governance; social network; local knowledge
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