- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)09-0050-09
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.09.008
- 项目基金:国家社科基金项目“基于‘隐秩序’显性化的新型智慧城市创新治理研究”(19BGL278);重庆大学科研后备拔尖人才项目。
- 作者简介:毛超,重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院;
- 商业综合体消费者行为决策机制及空间优化模拟研究
- Research on Consumer Behavior Decision Mechanism and Spatial Optimization Simulation of Commercial Complex
- 浏览量:
- 毛超 张路鸣 冯佳宁
- MAO Chao ZHANG Luming FENG Jianing
- 摘要:
商业综合体的业态组合及空间布局呈现同质化趋势,难以与电商网络背景下消费者体验式随机消费行为相匹配。研究通过分析商业综合体内消费者行为的影响因素建立离散选择模型,并运用多智能体仿真建模技术模拟空间优化策略的实施效果。针对不同类型消费者存在的消费偏好差异,通过提升品牌知名度、调整业态布局,可以有效改善商业空间的客流分布,为商业动态运营提供可视化的决策工具。 - 关键词:
商业综合体;消费者行为;离散选择模型;多智能体模拟;空间优; - Abstract: The business models and spatial layouts within commercial complexes are increasingly becoming homogenized, which struggles to align with the experiential and impulsive consumption behaviors of consumers in the age of e-commerce. This study establishes a discrete choice model by analyzing the factors that influence consumer behavior within commercial complexes and employs multi-agent simulation technology to simulate the effects of implementing spatial optimization strategies. To address varying consumption preferences among different consumer types, improving brand awareness and optimizing business layout can effectively enhance customer traffic within commercial spaces, thus providing visual decision-making tools for dynamic business operations.
- Key words: commercial complex; consumer behavior; discrete choice model; multi-agent simulation; spatial optimization strategy
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