- 人才安居方式研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)09-0021-08
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.09.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于‘动态分区尺度’的特大城市密度空间再构研究——以深圳市为例”(51508334)。
- 作者简介:李云,深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院,深圳市建筑环境优化设计研究重点实验室,副教授;
- 基于SP场景模型的深圳市高新区青年就业群体居住选择偏好研究
- Study on Residential Choice Preference of Youth Employment Group in High-tech Zone of Shenzhen Based on Stated Preference Survey
- 浏览量:
- 李云 卢梦含 范钟琪 钟婧华
- LI Yun LU Menghan FAN Zhongqi ZHONG Jinghua
- 摘要:
青年就业群体作为城市发展资源,也是面临住房困境的主要群体。文章以深圳市高新区青年就业群体为例,基于SP 场景模型对青年就业群体的现状居住特征和居住偏好进行偏好模型建构与分析。研究发现:(1)青年就业群体的现状居住空间特征表现为临近就业地居住,居住偏好的空间特征为青年就业群体的预期住房价格从低到高,逐渐形成现状居住空间特征;(2)青年就业群体现状预期价格较低,现状和潜在需求存在偏差,青年就业群体受限于自身经济能力和市场资源配置而难以获得所需的区位资源;(3)为优化居住条件,研究认为应从供需平衡角度,提供居住空间的差异化发展策略,提升居民居住满意度。 - 关键词:
青年就业群体;SP模型;居住偏好;深圳高新区; - Abstract: As an urban development resource, the youth employment group is also the main group facing housing dilemma. This paper takes the youth employment group in Shenzhen High-tech Zone as an example, and constructs and analyzes the preference model based on residential choice preference for the current residential characteristics and residential preferences of the youth employment group. It is found that: (1) The spatial characteristics of the current residential space of the youth employment group are characterized by the proximity to the place of employment, and the spatial characteristics of the residential preference are the expected housing price for the youth employment group from low to high, gradually forming similar spatial characteristics of the current residential space; (2) The current expected housing prices for the youth employment group are relatively low, and there are deviations between the current situation and potential demand, and the youth employment group is limited by its own economic ability and market resource allocation and it is difficult to obtain the required locational resources; (3) In order to optimize residential conditions, the study argues that a differentiated development strategy of residential space should be provided from the perspective of supply-demand balance to enhance residents’ satisfaction with living.
- Key words: youth employment group; stated preference survey; residential preference; Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone
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