- 人才安居方式研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2023)09-0001-07
- 中图分类号:G646;F243 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2023.09.001
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(42171233,72061137072);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2022ECNUHLYT008,2022ECNU- XWKXK001)。
- 作者简介:陈南希,华东师范大学地理科学学院,硕士研究生;
- “抢人大战”背景下高校毕业生的就业地选择 ——基于上海市大学生的实证研究
- Migration for Employment of University Graduates in the Context of “Talent Competition”: An Empirical Study of University Students in Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 陈南希 孙涵彦 周凌寒 叶秋雨 崔璨
- CHEN Nanxi SUN Hanyan ZHOU Linghan YE Qiuyu CUI Can
- 摘要:
人才是区域创新和城市发展的关键要素。为提升城市竞争力,各城市陆续出台人才政策加入“抢人大战”。在此背景下,文章基于上海市12 所高校《毕业生就业质量报告》和笔者收集的问卷调查数据,利用统计描述、多项logistic 模型等方法从宏观城市与微观个体层面分析上海毕业生群体就业迁移行为及其影响因素。研究发现:宏观方面,上海高校毕业生就业迁移主要指向东部沿海地区,上海作为就学地有较强空间黏滞性,且对来自其邻近欠发达地区生源的作用更强。微观层面,城市经济发展程度仍是影响毕业生选择就业地的主要因素,来自经济发达地区的毕业生求学与就业迁移意愿较低,人才政策对不同个体的影响存在异质性;人口学特征、家庭背景、人力资本和在就业地的社会资本显著影响毕业生的就业迁移行为。 - 关键词:
高校毕业生;就业迁移;人才政策;城市竞争; - Abstract: Talent is the key element of regional innovation and urban development. In order to enhance urban competitiveness, cities have successively introduced new policies joining the “competition for talents” to attract talents. Based on the employment quality report of 12 colleges and universities in Shanghai and the first-hand questionnaire survey data, this paper analyzes the employment migration behavior and influencing factors of Shanghai graduates from the macro city level and micro individual level by using the methods of statistical description and multiple logistic models. The study reveals that, at the macro-level, university graduates in Shanghai mainly migrate to the eastern coastal areas for jobs. Shanghai, as the place of study, has a great spatial stickiness, which has strong effect on its neighboring underdeveloped areas especially. At the micro-level, the level of economic development of a city is still a main factor when graduates considering a place for employment, and graduates from economically developed areas show lower mobility in terms of employment. The effect of talent policies varies among individuals. Furthermore, graduates’ demographic characteristics, family background, human capital and the self-evaluated social capital in the place of employment have significant impacts on their destination choice.
- Key words: university graduates; employment migration; talent policy; urban competition
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