  • 城市低碳评价与可持续发展
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)01-0016-06
  • 中图分类号:X321    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.01.003
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(42271267);浙江省软科学研究计划重点项目(2023C25008)。
  • 作者简介:鲍海君,博士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院、浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院、自然资源部碳中和与国土空间优化重点实验室杭州湾研究中心,教授; 郭奚晨,本科,杭州市西站枢纽开发有限公司办公室主任、第一党支部书记,高级技师; 蔡鑫羽,通信作者,硕士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院、浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,研究助理; 郭洋,博士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院、浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,博士后; 詹鹏,硕士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院、浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,研究助理。
  • 全过程管理视角下的城市低碳生产效率研究 ——以我国 36 个重点城市为例
  • Diagnosis on Low-Carbon City Production Effi ciency from a Process Perspective: An Empirical Study of 36 Major Cities in China
  • 浏览量:
  • 鲍海君 郭奚晨 蔡鑫羽 郭洋 詹鹏
  • BAO Haijun GUO Xichen CAI Xinyu GUO Yang ZHAN Peng
  • 摘要:
    在全球气候变化的背景下,城市低碳建设成为实施可持续发展战略中的关键一环,提升城市生产效率可以从源头帮助城市降低碳排放,从而实现节能减排。文章在 PDCA 循环管理法的基础上引入结果(Outcome)环节,构建了包含规划、实施、检查、结果、反馈(PDCOA)的全过程管理框架,形成城市低碳生产效率评价指标体系。研究对比了我国 36 个重点城市的生产效率水平,结果表明目前我国城市在低碳建设中的生产效率水平整体较低,得分均值为 51.74 分(总分为 100 分)。从环节视角分析,实施环节得分最高,反馈环节得分最低。从区域视角分析,短板环节与城市定位及类型相关联,建议在推进技术创新的同时,应针对不同城市类型制定具有针对性的政策。文章旨在从全过程管理视角出发,评价城市在低碳建设过程中的生产效率水平,为我国低碳城市的高效建设提供新视角,并为城市的可持续发展指明下一步努力方向。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Promoting low-carbon cities development has become a crucial aspect of implementing sustainable development strategies. Enhancing urban production efficiency can help reduce carbon emissions, thereby achieving energy conservation and emission reduction goals. This study integrates Outcome (O) element into the whole-cycle management process of Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA), accordingly a PDCOA cycle is proposed to establish a low-carbon production efficiency evaluation index system. By evaluating the production efficiency levels for 36 major cities in China, it has been found the overall low performance in China (with a mean score of 51.74 out of 100). From the management process perspective, the performance in Do stage is better than that in other stages. From a regional perspective, the weak links are associated with urban positioning and types, suggesting that targeted policies should be developed for different types of cities to promote technological innovation. The findings from this study provide important references for both further research in the discipline and practical application in promoting low-carbon performance in other cities.
  • Key words: low-carbon city development; urban production e ffi ciency; PDCA; diagnosis index system
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