- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)01-0052-07
- 中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.01.008
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(32171859);江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(SJCX21_0329)。
- 作者简介:熊瑶,博士,南京林业大学艺术设计学院,副教授;
- 基于非使用价值评估的绿色基础设施发展模式研究 ——以南京幕燕森林公园为例
- Research on Development Mode of Green Infrastructure Based on Non-Use Value Evaluation: A Case Study of Nanjing Muyan Forest Park
- 浏览量:
- 熊瑶 吴海磊
- XIONG Yao WU Hailei
- 摘要:
文章预设生态修复和文化开发两种发展模式,采用条件价值问卷对南京幕燕森林公园的非使用价值进行评估,并进行威尔科克森(Wilcoxon)有效性检验与皮尔逊(Pearson)影响因子相关性分析。结果表明 :(1)生态修复模式下,2021 年幕燕森林公园的非使用价值为 4.07 亿元,显著高于文化开发模式下的非使用价值总量 ;(2)实验收集数据不存在嵌入效应,数据具有有效性 ;(3)受访者的交通便利、文化景观、森林园路状况满意度等自变量与因变量支付意愿(WTP)存在不同程度的显著相关性,而受访者受教育程度、出行时长、交通工具与 WTP 存在极显著负相关性。最终综合分析实验数据,提出未来幕燕森林公园应遵循的生态修复发展模式以及具体的规划建议。 - 关键词:
绿色基础设施;非使用价值;森林公园;条件价值法;嵌入效应; - Abstract: In this study, two development modes of ecological restoration and cultural development are preset. The contingent value questionnaire is used to evaluate the non-use value of Nanjing Muyan Forest Park, and Wilcoxon validity test and Pearson impact factor correlation analysis are carried out. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Under the ecological restoration mode, the non-use value of Muyan Forest Park in 2021 is 407 million yuan, significantly higher than the total non-use value under the cultural development mode. (2) There is no embedding eff ect in the data collected in this experiment, so the data is effective. (3) The independent variables such as the respondents’ traffic convenience, cultural landscape, satisfaction with forest garden road conditions and the dependent variable WTP bid value have significant correlations in varying degrees. However, there is a very significant negative correlation between WTP and the respondents’ education level, travel time, means of transport. Comprehensive analysis of the experimental data suggests that Muyan Forest Park should adopt the ecological restoration development mode in the future. Specific planning suggestions are also provided.
- Key words: green infrastructure; non-use value; forest park; conditional value method; embedding eff ect
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