  • 规划与建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0067-07
  • 中图分类号:TU98    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.010
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“基于多源数据的省际交界地区乡村聚落空间演变与优化调控研究:以京津冀为例”(52078003)。
  • 作者简介:詹子歆,北京大学城市与环境学院,硕士; 戴林琳,通信作者,北京大学城市与环境学院,副教授。
  • 区县级国土空间总体规划中的新增建设用地指标分解方法研究 ——基于不对称Nash谈判模型
  • onstruction Land in County-Level Territorial Space Planning Based on Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Model Study on the Quota Allocation Method of Incremental Construction Land in County-Level Territorial Space Planning Based on Asymmetric Nash Bargaining
  • 浏览量:
  • 詹子歆 戴林琳
  • ZHAN Zixin DAI Linlin
  • 摘要:
    在存量发展、建设用地指标趋紧的背景下,面对中心城区和各乡镇强烈的发展诉求,区县政府决策者迫切需要一套客观公正的评价标准和技术框架指导建设用地指标分解。文章运用多因素综合分析法、对比分析法,耦合了发展潜力评价和用地效率评价两种情景,构建了定量定性相结合的指标体系,提出了运用不对称Nash谈判模型指标分解的初步结果进行博弈优化的技术方法。新增指标分解应遵循高质量发展、差异性公平、弹性可操作3 条基本原则,在实操层面应兼顾自上而下的区县政府意向和自下而上的乡镇利益诉求。文章以我国T市W县为例开展实证研究,结果证明基于耦合情景权重的指标分解方案可以在保障重点发展地区增长空间的同时促进三生空间均衡布局,有助于提高最终决策的客观公正性和综合满意度。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In the context of stock development and tightening construction land quotas, district and county government decision-makers face strong development demands from both central urban areas and various towns, and urgently need an objective and impartial evaluation standard and technical framework to guide the allocation of construction land quotas. This study applies a multi-factor comprehensive analysis method and comparative analysis method, coupling two scenarios: development potential evaluation and land use efficiency evaluation. It constructs a quantitative and qualitative indicator system and proposes a technical method for optimizing the initial results of quota allocation using an Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Model. The allocation of new quotas should adhere to three fundamental principles: high-quality development, differentiated equity, and flexible operability. On a practical level, it should balance the top-down intentions of district and county governments with the bottom-up development demands of towns. The article conducts an empirical study using W county in T city, China as an example. The results demonstrate that the quota allocation scheme based on coupled scenario weights can safeguard growth space for key development areas while promoting a balanced layout of productive, living, and ecological spaces. This approach helps enhance the objectivity, impartiality, and overall satisfaction of the final decision.
  • Key words: territorial space planning; Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Model; quota allocation; incremental construction land; county
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