- 产业与经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0123-04
- 中图分类号:G202 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.018
- 作者简介:王志云,邢台市信都区住房和城乡建设局,副高级工程师,研究方向为保障性住房的日常管理、准入与退出、公租房“一证”办理等信息化建设;
- 加强保障性住房数据采集与维护管理研究
- Analysis on Data Collection and Maintenance Management Analysis on Data Collection and Maintenance Management of Aff ordable Housing
- 浏览量:
- 王志云 耿向卫 刘鸣鸣
- WANG Zhiyun GENG Xiangwei LIU Mingming
- 摘要:
近年来,我国为解决城市居民住房突出问题,大力开展保障性住房建设,对改善居民生活条件、促进社会和谐稳定、增进民生福祉发挥了重要作用。随着各地保障性住房的大量交付入住,保障性住房住户数据出现井喷式增长,为确保保障性住房合规入住,住房保障管理部门需要对居民不动产、收入、车辆、工商、税收等大量的数据进行采集核查,涉及部门多、信息安全要求高,因此保障性住房如何开展数据采集以及加强维护管理工作是一项相当棘手的问题,值得深思。基于此,文章针对保障性住房的相关数据采集工作以及如何更好地进行维护管理展开分析,希望能够给住房保障相关工作单位带来一定帮助及借鉴。 - 关键词:
保障性住房;数据采集;维护管理; - Abstract: In recent years, China has vigorously implemented the construction of affordable housing to solve the prominent housing problems of urban residents, which has played an important role in improving the living conditions of residents, promoting social harmony and stability, and enhancing people’s well-being. With the large-scale delivery and occupancy of affordable housing in various regions, the data of users of affordable housing has experienced explosive growth. In order to ensure compliance with affordable housing occupancy, housing security management departments need to collect and verify a large amount of data on residents’ real estate, income, vehicles, industry and commerce, taxation, and other aspects. There are many departments involved, and information security requirements are high. Therefore, how to implement data collection and strengthen maintenance and management of affordable housing is a quite challenging problem, which is worthy of our deep thinking. Based on this, this study analyzes the data collection work related to affordable housing and how to better maintain and manage it, hoping to provide some help and reference for housing security related work units.
- Key words: affordable housing; data collection; maintenance management
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