- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0053-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.008
- 项目基金:山东省艺术科学重点课题(L2021Z07070326);国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871154)。
- 作者简介:马晓雯,青岛科技大学副教授,澳门城市大学城市规划与设计专业博士研究生,主要研究方向为城市历史文化遗产保护;
- 空间生产与地方建构 ——青岛中山路历史街区更新历程研究
- rom Space Production to Place-Making: Enlightenment from the Renewal Process of Zhongshan Road Historical District in Qingdao From Space Production to Place-Making: Enlightenment from the Renewal Process of Zhongshan Road Historical District in Qingd
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- 摘要:
历史街区更新是中国城市发展中前沿而又重要的领域,文章以青岛中山路历史街区1990年至今的更新历程为研究对象,借助长时段个案跟踪研究的方法,基于访谈、现场考察和文献中的数据,以空间生产和地方建构互动的分析框架展开解析。研究发现:中山路更新可以被理解为权力和资本主导下的空间生产,其地方建构历程可以被分为5个阶段:无地方、符号化的地方、想象的地方、衰落的地方、新的地方。地方建构可反作用于空间生产,使空间生产主体不断调整生产策略和方法。研究旨在将地方建构引入空间生产的分析框架中,为历史街区更新实践提供有益的反思。 - 关键词:
空间生产;地方建构;历史街区;城市更新; - Abstract: Urban renewal in historical districts is a cutting-edge and important field in the development of Chinese cities. This study focuses on the renewal process of the Zhongshan road historical block in Qingdao from 1990 to the present. With the help of long-term case tracking research methods, the analysis framework is based on the interaction between spatial production and local construction, focusing on data from interviews, on-site inspections, and literature. Research has found that the renewal of Zhongshan road can be understood as spatial production led by power and capital, and its process can be divided into five stages: nowhere, symbolic place, imagined place, declining place, and new place. Local construction can counteract spatial production, allowing the subject of spatial production to continuously adjust production strategies and methods. The main theoretical contribution of the study is to introduce local construction into the analytical framework of spatial production, providing effective reflection for the practice of historical district renewal.
- Key words: space production; place-making; historical district; urban renewal
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