- 城市低碳评价与可持续发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0008-07
- 中图分类号:X22;F207 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.002
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“生物质炭对稻田温室气体与活性氮协同减排的机理与潜力研究”(42307594)。国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
- 作者简介:徐向瑞,博士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院、浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,特聘副研究员;
- 市低碳技术建设水平诊断研究 ——基于网络爬虫数据的分析
- Diagnostic Study on Low-Carbon Technology Construction in Chinese Cities: Analysis Based on Web Crawler Data
- 浏览量:
- 徐向瑞 詹鹏 申立银 蔡鑫羽 朱建华
- XU Xiangrui ZHAN Peng SHEN Liyin CAI Xinyu ZHU Jianhua
- 摘要:
发展低碳技术是推进创新型国家建设、达成碳中和目标的重要途径。文章基于管理过程视角和Python 爬虫技术,对我国36个主要城市的低碳技术建设水平进行诊断,并提出相应发展对策。研究结果表明:北京、杭州、深圳、济南和广州等城市的低碳技术建设水平较高 ;我国城市低碳技术建设水平表现最好的城市集中于东部和中部地区 ;另外,研究发现我国城市低碳技术建设水平存在环节与区域发展不协调等情况。研究旨在为指引我国城市深入认识自身在发展中的优势与短板、合理制定城市高质量发展政策提供参考。 - 关键词:
低碳技术;过程管理;低碳城市;绿色科技创新;空间格局; - Abstract: The development of low carbon technology is an important way to promote the construction of
innovative countries and reach the goal of carbon neutrality. Based on the management process perspective and Python crawler technology, the article diagnoses the diagnosis of low-carbon technology construction level in 36 major cities in China and proposes corresponding development countermeasures. The results of the study show that the cities of Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Jinan and Guangzhou have a high level of low-carbon technology construction. The best-performing cities in China’s urban low-carbon technology construction level are concentrated in the eastern and central regions. In addition, this study finds that the level of low-carbon technology construction in Chinese cities is not coordinated with regional development. This study aims to provide reference for guiding Chinese cities to deeply recognize their own advantages and shortcomings in development, and to reasonably formulate urban high-quality development policies.
- Key words: low-carbon technology; process management; low-carbon city; green technology innovation; space pattern
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