- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0074-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“东北地区城镇收缩的多尺度空间格局、机理与响应研究”(41871158);深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划面上项目“产城融合视角下深圳市数字创意产业的空间分布特征与集群发展策略”(20220808172042001)。
- 作者简介:段利鹏,深圳大学,博士研究生,主要从事城市大数据、城市地理学研究;
- 精明收缩视角下城市空置土地治理的国际经验与启示
- acant Land Governance from the Perspective of Smart International Experiences and Enlightenment of Urban Vacant Land Governance from the Perspective of Smart Shrinkage
- 浏览量:
- 段利鹏 李诚固 张艳 辜智慧 谭有为
- DUAN Lipeng LI Chenggu ZHANG Yan GU Zhihui TAN Youwei
- 摘要:
随着我国城市收缩现象日益加剧,空置土地已成为收缩城市发展中不可忽视的矛盾。文章通过系统梳理国际收缩城市空置土地影响和精明收缩实践经验,在总结空置土地概念、危机与契机基础上,基于城市内部收缩模式提炼出边界控制、公共交通引导和去密集化 3 种典型空间规划策略,并结合治理过程中的常见问题引出土地银行制度、临时使用、参与式规划等实施保障政策,旨在为我国收缩城市空置土地治理提供有益启示。 - 关键词:
空置土地;精明收缩;空间规划策略;实施保障政策;启示; - Abstract: With the increasing phenomenon of urban shrinkage in China, vacant land has become a
significant challenge in the development of shrinking cities. This article systematically reviewed the impact of vacant land in internationally shrinking cities and the experiences of smart shrinkage. Based on an overview of the concept, challenges, and opportunities of vacant land, the article derived three typical spatial planning strategies, namely boundary control, public transportation guidance, and de-densification, from the patterns of urban internal shrinking. Additionally, it introduced implementation safeguard policies such as the land banking system, temporary use, and participatory planning, along with common issues encountered during the governance process. The aim is to provide valuable insights for the governance of vacant land in China.
- Key words: vacant land; smart shrinkage; spatial planning strategy; implementation safeguard policy; enlightenment
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