- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0045-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.007
- 项目基金:教育部产学合作协同育人项目“人工智能教育前沿理念的新工科教学体系改革”(230828125407291);国家自然科学基金青年项目(52308082)。
- 作者简介:李翔,博士,浙江工业大学设计与建筑学院讲师,主要研究领域为城市规划教育、智能教育、智能城市、城市设计;
- 世界规划教育30年的演变概览 ——以代表期刊为例1991—2020年的动态分析
- evisiting the Evolution of World Planning Education during Three Decades: A Bibliometric Study from Representative Journal during 1991-2020 Revisiting the Evolution of World Planning Education during Three Decades: A Bibliometric Study from Representa
- 浏览量:
- 李翔 吴志强
- LI Xiang WU Zhiqiang
- 摘要:
文章基于代表期刊《规划教育与研究》(Journal of Planning Education and Research)30年跨度的1670篇文献及18093次引用数据,使用“引文关系”替代测度规划教育研究的发展演变概况。研究发现,规划教育群落在扩大,社会关注度随城镇化进程稳步增加,前景广阔。证实其在演变过程中与内外部学科互动日益密切,体现了跨学科、多元的特性。总结规划教育关注领域的演变,将规划教育的核心思想和关注领域归纳为4个主要群落,展示30年间规划教育64个研究方向、热点的演变。按时间维度分类,总结其研究方向的演变规律。规划教育的研究方向和热点虽潮起潮落,此起彼伏,但均与社会保持高度互动,证明规划教育从未脱离物质空间规划这一核心,协同多学科解决城市社会问题,实用性的学科本质未变,促进城市社会可持续发展的初心未变。 - 关键词:
世界规划教育;文献计量;研究方向;关注领域;学科发展; - Abstract: The article is based on an analysis of 1670 papers and 18093 citations over a 30-year span from
the representative journal Journal of Planning Education and Research. By using “citation relationships” as a proxy, the study provides an overview of the evolution of planning education research. The findings reveal that the planning education community has been expanding, with increasing social attention driven by urbanization, indicating promising prospects. The study confirms that over time, interactions with both internal and external disciplines have intensified, reflecting interdisciplinary and diverse characteristics. It summarizes the evolving areas of focus in planning education, categorizing the core ideas and areas of interest into four major clusters. The article presents a global overview of the evolution of 64 research directions and trends in planning education over the past 30 years. By classifying the evolution of research directions along a temporal dimension, it summarizes the patterns of change. Although research directions and trends in planning education have fluctuated over time, they have always maintained a strong interaction with society, demonstrating that planning education has never strayed from its core focus on physical space planning. It continues to address urban social issues in collaboration with multiple disciplines, remaining true to its practical nature and its original goal of promoting sustainable urban development.
- Key words: world planning education; bibliometric; research direction; areas of concern; discipline development
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