  • 城市低碳评价与可持续发展
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)10-0023-07
  • 中图分类号:X321    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.10.004
  • 项目基金:浙江省自然科学基金项目(LTGS24D010005);国家自然科学基金项目(42271267)。
  • 作者简介:金艳花,高级工程师,浙江省国土空间规划研究院,区域战略所所长; 梁邦利,高级工程师,浙江省国土空间规划研究院,副主规划师; 关涛,教授级高级工程师,浙江省国土空间规划研究院,副院长; 鲍海君,博士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划学院,浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,教授; 叶扬,通信作者,博士,浙大城市学院国土空间规划研究院,讲师。
  • 浙江省县域尺度碳收支时空演变格局分析
  • Spatio-Temporal Evolution Pattern of Carbon Budget at County Level in Zhejiang Province
  • 浏览量:
  • 金艳花 梁邦利 关涛 鲍海君 叶扬
  • JIN Yanhua LIANG Bangli GUAN Tao BAO Haijun YE Yang
  • 摘要:
    气候变化在全球范围内引起了相当大的关注,促使中国在2020年出台“双碳”战略目标。探究碳收支时空演变格局,促进低碳发展势在必行。文章以浙江省县域尺度为研究对象,利用高空间分辨率碳排放数据和土地利用数据研究2000年至2020年碳排放和碳汇的时空变化趋势,并利用双变量聚类模型对各县域建设用地比例与净碳排放量进行时空耦合分析,为城镇的减排增汇绩效评价提供参考。结果表明,全省二氧化碳排放总量从2000 年的3490.96万t增长至2020年的13838.43万t,增长了约2.96倍。从空间分布上看,二氧化碳排放呈现东北高、西南低且沿海高、内陆低的格局。碳汇总量在2000年至2020 年间共下降了4.93%,年均下降速率为0.25%左右,其中碳汇高值区域主要集中在西北部和西南部的浙西丘陵地带,碳汇低值区域主要集中在东部的沿海地区。浙江省各区县土地利用效率与净碳排放的时空关联结果揭示,总体上,建设用地比例与净碳排放呈正相关。随着时间的推移,高开发强度—高排放类型的区县逐年增多,主要集中在杭州、宁波等地。高开发强度—低排放类型的区县在2000年至2010年间逐年增加,提示在土地开发中需重视碳减排。文章的研究为浙江省积极探索低碳高效发展模式提供了有价值的启示。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Climate change has attracted considerable attention globally, prompting China to introduce a “two-carbon” strategic goal by 2020. It is imperative to explore the spatio-temporal evolution pattern of carbon budget and promote low-carbon development. Taking county scale in Zhejiang province as the research object, this paper uses high spatial resolution carbon emission data and land use data to study the spatio-temporal change trend of carbon emission and carbon sink from 2000 to 2020, and uses bivariate clustering model to conduct spatio-temporal coupling analysis of the proportion of construction land and net carbon emission in each county, so as to provide reference for the performance evaluation of urban emission reduction and sinks. The results show that the total carbon dioxide emissions of the province increased from 34909600 tons in 2000 to 138384300 tons in 2020, an increase of about 2.96 times. From the perspective of spatial distribution, carbon dioxide emissions are high in northeast, low in southwest, high in coastal areas and low in inland areas. The total carbon sink decreased by 4.93% from 2000 to 2020, with an average annual decline rate of 0.25%. The regions with high carbon sink value mainly concentrated in the hilly areas of western Zhejiang in the northwest and southwest, while the regions with low carbon sink value mainly concentrated in the coastal areas in the east. The spatial-temporal correlation between land use efficiency and net carbon emission in Zhejiang province shows that the proportion of construction land is positively correlated with net carbon emission. With the passing of time, the number of districts and counties with high development intensity and high emission increased year by year, mainly concentrated in Hangzhou, Ningbo and other places. In particular, the number of counties with high development intensity and low emission increased year by year from 2000 to 2010, suggesting that it is necessary to pay attention to emission reduction in land development. The research of this paper provides valuable enlightenment for Zhejiang province to actively explore the low-carbon and efficient development model.
  • Key words: carbon budget accounting; land use effi ciency; spatio-temporal evolution pattern; remote sensing monitoring
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