- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)11-0038-07
- 中图分类号:K901 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.11.006
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(52078197);湖南省自然资源厅科技项目(20230103GH);湖南省自然科学基金项目(2023JJ60571)。
- 作者简介:周洋,湖南大学建筑与规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 基于空间关联的社区O2O零售微区位特征研究 ——以长沙兴盛优选为例
- mmunity O2O Retail Based on Spatial Correlation: A Case Study of Xingsheng Limited in Changsha Research on the Micro-Location Characteristics of Community O2O Retail Based on Spatial Correlation: A Case Study of Xingsheng Limited in Changsha
- 浏览量:
- 周洋 周恺
- ZHOU Yang ZHOU Kai
- 摘要:
社区O2O销售模式是一种信息技术支持下的“线上+线下”的零售商业模式,其区位选址特征有别于传统线下零售。文章选取长沙兴盛优选社区团购自提点及相关线下零售店的POI数据,运用多种空间统计方法,结合实地调研成果,分析了社区O2O零售门店与相关线下零售店区位的空间关联性,并讨论了社区O2O零售门店的微区位特征、形成机制及对城镇空间功能布局的影响。分析发现:(1)在空间关联视角下,社区O2O零售一方面依附于线下店,与线下店总体呈现庇附型关联结构;另一方面,区位限制变小,空间选址向社区内部拓展。(2)在“社会—文化—行为—经济”分析框架下,社区O2O零售“面向社区”的市场定位与“线上+线下”的销售模式决定了其区位要素限制降低、社区布局偏好差异、不同尺度下的线下店关联结构差异的微区位特征;其扮演的新型社区、交流平台、消费空间、交易平台多重角色,反过来又巩固了微区位选择。(3)线上平台作为虚拟空间作用于实体零售空间,为社区创造了一个线上和线下相融合的服务空间,并推动了城镇商业空间、生活空间、物流空间的交融。 - 关键词:
社区O2O零售;微区位;空间关联;多元空间统计; - Abstract: The community O2O (online to offl ine) sales model, supported by information technology, is a “online + offl ine” retail model with locational characteristics distinct from traditional offl ine retail. This article examines POI data for community group-buying pickup points of Changsha’s Xingsheng Limited and related offl ine retail stores, employing various spatial statistical methods and combining fi eld research results to analyze the spatial association between community O2O retail stores and offl ine retail locations. It further explores the micro-locational characteristics, formation mechanisms, and impacts of community O2O retail on urban spatial functionality. The analysis reveals that: (1) From a spatial association perspective, community O2O retail, on the one hand, depends on offline stores, generally forming a subsidiary relationship with them; on the other hand, its location restrictions are reduced, allowing site selection to expand into community interiors. (2) Within a “social-cultural-behavioral-economic” analytical framework, the community-focused market positioning and “online + offl ine” sales model of community O2O retail reduce locational constraints, display preferences for community-centered layouts, and exhibit different offline store association structures at varying scales. The model also acts as a new community space, interaction platform, consumption space, and transaction platform, reinforcing its micro-locational choices. (3) The online platform, as a virtual space influencing physical retail spaces, creates a blended service environment within the community, promoting integration among commercial, residential, and logistics spaces in urban areas.
- Key words: community O2O retail; micro-location; spatial association; multivariate spatial statistics
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