- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)11-0128-07
- 中图分类号:P96;X823 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.11.020
- 项目基金:自然资源部国土空间规划与开发保护重点实验室—中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司联合开放基金项目(TSPDP24/05);中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目培育专项(2022ZDPYSK08);国家自然科学基金项目(72474214)。
- 作者简介:陈龙高,博士,中国矿业大学公共管理学院,教授;
- 国土空间规划学科人才培养体系建设现状与发展路径研究
- e Status Quo and Development Suggestion for the Discipline Personnel Training System of Territorial Space The Status Quo and Development Suggestion for the Discipline Personnel Training System of Territorial Space Planning
- 浏览量:
- 陈龙高 李效顺 张训迪 李龙 陈龙乾
- CHEN Longgao LI Xiaoshun ZHANG Xundi LI Long CHEN Longqian
- 摘要:
国土空间规划学科人才培养体系建设对于构建新时代国土空间规划体系具有重要的支撑作用。文章综合运用文本分析法与统计调查法系统分析了国土空间规划相关学科人才培养体系建设现状,进而提出了面向新时代的人才培养体系构建发展路径的建议。结果表明:(1)现行相关学科人才培养体系较难达到国土空间规划对人才掌握知识技能的全面性和系统性要求,且存在相应的薄弱或空白知识领域。(2)不同二级学科类型在培养目标方面具有自身的培养特色。(3)经济学和地理信息系统是全部相关学科核心课程体系 的共有高频词。(4)土地资源管理和城乡规划二级学科应作为未来国土空间规划人才培养体系构建的核心学科基础。(5)规划、经济与管理知识领域是国土空间规划人才培养的基础性专业教育内容。据此,文章提出了国土空间规划人才培养体系建设发展的路径建议:构建本硕博贯通式的学科人才培养体系;立足于不同的相关学科背景,建立具有相应优势特色的国土空间规划学科人才培养方向;构建基础+方向特色的课程体系;构建执业技能认证与学历教育相结合的培养模式。文章研究结论可为国土空间规划学科人才培养体系构建提供参考和借鉴。 - 关键词:
国土空间规划学科;人才培养体系;发展路径;微词云; - Abstract: The development of a talent cultivation system for territorial spatial planning disciplines is crucial to establishing a new-era territorial spatial planning framework. This article systematically analyzes the current state of the talent cultivation system within related disciplines through text analysis and statistical survey methods, and subsequently proposes recommendations for building a development path for a talent cultivation system geared toward the new era. The findings indicate that the existing talent cultivation systems in related disciplines struggle to meet the comprehensive and systematic knowledge and skills requirements demanded by territorial spatial planning, with some areas showing weaknesses or gaps. Different secondary disciplines exhibit unique training characteristics in their cultivation objectives. Economics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are common high-frequency terms in the core curriculum system of all related disciplines. Land Resource Management and Urban-Rural Planning should be considered foundational disciplines for building a future talent cultivation system in territorial spatial planning. Additionally, knowledge domains in planning, economics, and management serve as the foundational professional education content for cultivating talent in territorial spatial planning. Based on these findings, the article proposes pathways for developing a talent cultivation system in territorial spatial planning, including establishing a seamless bachelor’s-master’s-doctoral system, developing discipline-specific talent cultivation directions based on various academic backgrounds, constructing a foundational plus specialized curriculum system, and creating a training model that combines professional skill certification with formal academic education. These conclusions can provide useful insights and references for building a talent cultivation system in territorial spatial planning disciplines.
- Key words: space planning (TSP) discipline; personnel training system; development paths; Weiciyun platform
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