- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)11-0045-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.11.007
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色郊区社区社会形态研究”(21&ZD175);国家自然科学基金项目“粤港澳大湾区城乡混杂地区国土空间规划技术优化研究”(52478052)。
- 作者简介:占玮,华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑与城市科学全国重点实验室,博士研究生;
- 大都市区边缘社区居民生活空间行为特征研究 ——以佛山大沥镇海北片区为例
- search on the Characteristics of Living Space Behavior of Residents in Edge Communities of Metropolitan Areas: A Research on the Characteristics of Living Space Behavior of Residents in Edge Communities of Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Haibei Co
- 浏览量:
- 占玮 袁奇峰 吴泉隆 韩帅
- ZHAN Wei YUAN Qifeng WU Quanlong HAN Shuai
- 摘要:
文章以广佛大都市区边缘的海北片区作为实证案例,结合田野调查与大数据分析进行大都市边缘区社区生活空间行为特征研究,发现:(1)以户籍与住房产权划定3类群体(本地村民、定居新市民、流动临居人口)的社会、身份属性具有明显差异,其生活空间行为选择特征不同 ;(2)群体重构后的边缘社区居民生活空间选择向大都市区核心靠拢;(3)边缘区嵌入同城化生活体系的构建,需要从政府治理体制转变与生活服务体系共享两个层次进行优化。 - 关键词:
嵌入;大都市区;边缘;社区居民;生活空间; - Abstract: The article takes the edge of the Guangzhou-Foshan metropolitan area—Haibei community as an empirical case, combining field survey and big data analysis to research the behavioral characteristics of community living space in the edge area of the metropolis, and finds that: (1) The social and identity attributes of the three types of groups (local villagers, settled new citizens, and migrant residents) are distinctly different in terms of household registration and housing ownership, and their behavioral choices in terms of living space are different. (2) The residents of edge community living space choices are closer to the core of the metropolitan area after the reconstruction of the groups. (3) The construction of a co located living system embedded in the fringe districts needs to be optimized at two levels: transforming the government governance system and sharing the living service system.
- Key words: embeddedness; metropolitan area; edge; neighborhood residents; living space
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