- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)12-0109-07
- 中图分类号:TU857;TU241.7 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.12.016
- 项目基金:河南省住房城乡建设科技计划项目(HN JS-2020-K03);河南省土木建筑学会科技指导计划项目(2022006)。
- 作者简介:马静,河南工业大学土木建筑学院教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为城市设计与更新、建筑设计及其理论、人居环境、绿色建筑设计;
- 内外兼修,隐显并行 ——既有住宅加装电梯的推进策略
- Internal and External Enhancements, Implicit and Explicit Progress: Strategies for Promoting Elevator Installation in Existing Residential Buildings
- 浏览量:
- 马静 王梦良
- MA Jing WANG Mengliang
- 摘要:
既有住宅加装电梯在全国各地推进缓慢。文章在深入调研的基础上,从住户共赢、资金 筹措、主体合作3个方面探讨了更新机制存在的问题;从电梯位置、平面空间、救援通 道3个方面剖析了空间改造存在的不足。在此基础上,文章就内隐的更新机制和外显的 空间改造现存的问题与不足,针对性地提出“内外兼修、隐显并行”的推进策略:通过 实现住户利益共赢、促进项目资金筹措、推动主体良性互动,以实现更新机制的培植和 改善;通过选择合适的电梯位置、控制集约的平面尺寸、保证合理的救援空间,以实现 空间改造的设计优化。 - 关键词:
城市更新;加装电梯;机制;改造;推进策略; - Abstract: The installation of elevators in existing residential buildings has progressed slowly across the country. Based on in-depth research, this article explores issues in the renewal mechanism from three aspects: resident consensus, funding mobilization, and stakeholder cooperation. It also analyzes shortcomings in spatial renovations from three aspects: elevator placement, floor space, and rescue passages. Based on these issues and deficiencies in the implicit renewal mechanisms and explicit spatial renovations, the article proposes a promotion strategy of “internal and external enhancements, implicit and explicit progress”. This strategy aims to achieve mutual benefits for residents, facilitate project funding mobilization, and promote positive stakeholder interaction to cultivate and improve the renewal mechanism. It also focuses on selecting appropriate elevator locations, controlling compact floor dimensions, and ensuring reasonable rescue spaces to optimize spatial renovation design.
- Key words: urban renewal; elevator retrofitting; mechanism; renovation; promotion strategy
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