- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)12-0130-05
- 中图分类号:G31 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.12.019
- 项目基金:2023年江苏省高等教育教改研究重中之重课题“面向电子信息产业前沿的新工科拔尖人才培养模式探索与实践”(2023JSJG005);南京信息工程大学2022年辅导员工作专项课题“新时代北斗精神融入高校新工科思政育人研究”(2022XGB002)。
- 作者简介:叶玉娣,讲师,南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院党委副书记、副院长,研究方向为思想政治教育、科普教育;
- 北斗科普教育助推智慧城市建设的策略研究
- Strategies for Boosting Smart City Construction through Beidou Science Popularization Education
- 浏览量:
- 叶玉娣 祁雪峰 任雨晴 王昕婷
- YE Yudi QI Xuefeng REN Yuqing WANG Xinting
- 摘要:
近年来,我国智慧城市建设的进程持续加速。我国自主研发、独立运行的“北斗卫星导 航系统”在智慧城市建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用。而北斗科普教育,则是普及这一技术 并提高公众认知的关键途径,其重要性日益凸显。文章以南京市区3个社区作为样本调 研对象,通过了解城市居民对北斗科普教育助推智慧城市建设的认知程度,分析城市基 层北斗科普教育助推智慧城市建设存在的问题,挖掘“新时代北斗精神”视域下北斗科 普教育融入智慧城市建设的重要价值,探索北斗科普教育助推智慧城市建设的实施策略 及其长效机制。 - 关键词:
北斗;科普;智慧城市;策略; - Abstract: In recent years, the process of smart city construction in China has continued to accelerate. The “Beidou Navigation Satellite System” which is independently developed and operated by China, plays a pivotal role in smart city construction. Meanwhile, Beidou science popularization education has increasingly highlighted its importance as a crucial means to popularize this technology and enhance public awareness. This article selects three communities in Nanjing as sample research objects to investigate the level of urban residents’ awareness of the role of Beidou science popularization education in promoting smart city construction. It analyzes the problems behind the role of Beidou science popularization education at the urban grassroots level in promoting smart city construction, explores the significant value of integrating Beidou science popularization education into smart city construction from the perspective of the“New Era Beidou Spirit” and seeks implementation strategies and long-term mechanisms for Beidou science popularization education to promote smart city construction.
- Key words: Beidou; popularization of science; smart city; strategies
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