- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)02-0122-09
- 中图分类号:F294 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.02.020
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目“社区、生活方式与主观幸福感研究:基于日常生活整体性视角”(41871131)。
- 作者简介:贾子璇,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生,研究方向为城市与区域规划、城市文化消费空间;
- 基于文化区隔视角的城市文化消费政策社会效益实证研究 ——以南京市为例
- An Empirical Study on the Social Benefi ts of Urban Cultural Consumption Policy from the Perspective of Cultural Distinction: A Case Study of Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 贾子璇 张敏
- JIA Zixuan ZHANG Min
- 摘要:
城市文化消费政策面临公共投入增加而社会效益下降的问题,特别是在促进消费公平和扩大消费群体方面收效甚微。已有研究较少从文化消费的社会不均衡性以及文化消费机制角度讨论文化政策的社会效益。文章根据布尔迪厄实践理论和文化区隔理论构建城市政策与文化区隔相互作用的理论模型,研究城市文化消费政策对居民的文化区隔的增强或减缓作用以检验城市文化消费政策的社会效益。以南京市文化消费补贴政策为例,基于对南京市典型社区的居民问卷调查数据,进行对比分析和回归模型分析,结果显示南京市文化消费补贴政策加深了文化区隔。文化消费实践受惯习影响,南京市主要面向高雅文化的补贴政策,强化了高雅文化消费主体的消费实践,即促进原本文化杂食性较高的群体进行高雅文化消费,没能有效引导文化消费弱势群体参与高雅文化消费,未能显著改变这类群体文化杂食性低的状况。基于该研究结果,文章认为通过调节文化消费补贴的活动类型使之面向更广的文化受众有助于缓解文化区隔,扩大文化消费政策的受益面,促进文化消费的公平。 - 关键词:
城市文化政策;文化区隔;文化消费补贴;文化杂食性;文化资本; - Abstract: Fostering cultural consumption has always been the aim of urban cultural policy. Although there are public subsidies to encourage cultural consumption, its effectiveness remains elusive. Existing studies have not given much attention to the relationships between policy participation and cultural distinction when discussing cultural subsidies policy. To fill this gap, this paper constructs a theoretical model of relationship between policy participation and cultural distinction, drawing on Bourdieu’s theory of practice and distinction to discuss the influence of cultural consumption policy on cultural distinction. Taking Nanjing’s cultural consumption subsidy policy as an example, this research makes a comparative analysis and regression model analysis based on the questionnaire survey of community residents in Nanjing. The results reveal that urban cultural consumption policy reinforces the cultural distinction. Although cultural consumption subsidy attracts the groups with higher cultural omnivorousness, with a higher disposition of economic, cultural and social capital, it fails to promote the participation of the cultural disadvantaged groups, which results in the decline of its effectiveness. The findings of this research provide theoretical and practical reference for urban cultural governance.
- Key words: urban cultural policy; distinction; cultural consumption subsidy; cultural omnivorousness; cultural capital
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