- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)02-0089-07
- 中图分类号:F320.3 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.02.015
- 作者简介:杨柳,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 乡村自然资源资产管理中的产权结构模式研究 ——基于福建的案例分析
- The Property Right Structure Mode in the Management of Rural Natural Resources Assets: A Case Study of Fujian
- 浏览量:
- 杨柳 黄春晓
- YANG Liu HUANG Chunxiao
- 摘要:
产权结构是乡村自然资源管理中的重要内容,对乡村自然资源管理体系的构建具有重要意义。文章选取了福建省 4 个代表性村庄进行了深入调研,分析了我国乡村自然资源资产管理中的产权组织问题。研究认为:我国乡村资源的产权转化过程分为股权量化、经营权流转与收益权共享 3 个阶段;产权的组织结构可分为 3 种模式:“开放性”“封闭性”与“半开放性”,模式的形成受到区位的引力作用、资源禀赋的导向作用和治理基础的约束作用3 个方面要素的影响。文章认为对资源禀赋较强的乡村在制度设计上应更为关注村民的主体地位,而对资源禀赋较弱的乡村,如何吸引优质资本投入与生态资源价值实现应成为政策关注的重点。 - 关键词:
产权结构;模式;乡村自然资源;资产管理;福建; - Abstract: The property rights structure is a crucial aspect of rural natural resource management and plays a significant role in shaping the management system of such resources. The article conducts in-depth research on four representative villages in Fujian Province, analyzing the issues related to property rights organizations in the management of rural natural resources in China. It posits that the property rights transformation process in China’s rural areas comprises three stages: shareholding quantification, operational rights circulation, and income rights sharing. The organizational structure of property rights can be categorized into three models: “open”, “closed” and “semi-open”, each influenced by three factors: the pull of location, the directive role of resource endowment, and the constraints of governance foundations. The author suggests that institutional design should pay more attention to the villagers’ agency in villages with strong resource endowments, while for villages with weaker endowments, attracting quality capital and realizing the value of ecological resources should be a policy focus.
- Key words: property right structure; mode; rural natural resources; asset management; Fujian
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