- 文化遗产保护研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)03-0031-08
- 中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.03.005
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目“徽州传统村落文化空间传承和重构研究”(20YJAZH030);安徽省高等学校人文社会科学研究重点项目“徽州古村落发展更新与乡土文化传承的空间耦合模式研究”(SK2017A005)。
- 作者简介:顾大治,合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事城市设计与历史遗产保护研究;
- “文—旅”空间耦合协同度对游客文化遗产保护行为影响研究 ——以徽州传统村落为例
- Research on the Impact of Cultural Space and Tourism Space Coupling Synergy on Tourist Cultural Heritage Protection Behavior: A Case Study of Huizhou Traditional Village
- 浏览量:
- 顾大治 吴金辉 杨震雯
- GU Dazhi WU Jinhui YANG Zhenwen
- 摘要:
文章基于空间三元论对文、旅空间维度进行划分,并结合耦合协同理论提出文、旅空间在文化信息、物质载体、社会行为 3 个维度的相互耦合协同。选取 5 个文化旅游型徽州传统村落(宏村、西递、龙川、唐模、呈坎)为案例研究样地,运用“刺激—有机体—反应”(S-O-R)理论,构建“文—旅”空间耦合协同度感知、地方依恋以及文化遗产保护行为三者影响关系模型,运用结构方程模型进行验证。研究发现 :(1)“文—旅”空间耦合协同度感知 3 个维度均对文化遗产保护行为产生正向影响,影响程度为“社会行为层>物质载体层>文化信息层”,其中文化信息层对文化遗产保护行为无直接显著影响但可通过中介产生正向影响 ;(2)地方依恋在“文—旅”空间耦合协同度感知与文化遗产保护行为之间起中介作用,“文—旅”空间耦合协同度感知 3 个维度正向影响地方依恋,地方依恋双维度均正向影响游客文化遗产保护行为。 - 关键词:
文化空间;“文—旅”空间耦合协同度感知;地方依恋;文化遗产保护行为; - Abstract: Based on the space ternary theory, this paper divides the space dimensions of culture and tourism. On this basis, combined with the coupling and coordination theory, it puts forward that the “culture-tourism” space is coupled and coordinated at the three levels of cultural information, material carrier and social behavior. Five cultural tourism traditional villages in Huizhou (Hongcun, Xidi, Longchuan, Tangmo and Chengkan) are selected as case study plots, and the “stimulus-organism-response” (S-O-R) theory is applied. Construct the relationship model of “culture-tourism” spatial coupling collaborative perception, local attachment and cultural heritage protection behavior, and verify it with structural equation model. The results show that: (1) The three dimensions of cultural tourism spatial coupling collaborative perception have a positive impact on cultural heritage protection behavior, and the degree of impact is in order: social behavior layer > material carrier layer > cultural information layer. Among them, the cultural information layer has no direct significant impact on the protection of cultural heritage, but can have a positive impact through intermediaries. (2) Local attachment plays a mediating role in cultural heritage protection behavior. Spatial coupling and collaborative perception positively affect local attachment, and local attachment positively affects cultural heritage protection behavior.
- Key words: cultural space; perception of cultural space and tourism space coupling synergy; place attachment; protection of cultural heritage
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