- 规划与建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2024)03-0054-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2024.03.008
- 项目基金:国家重点研发计划项目“多灾种灾变空间耦合下的应急疏散空间韧性规划技术与示范”(2020YFD1100702);国家自然科学基金面上项目“乡村人居环境的韧性空间结构理论与规划方法研究”(51878558);四川省哲社重点研究基地“社会发展与社会风险控制研究中心”2023年度项目资助“社会韧性视域下西南民族村寨防灾减灾能力”(SR23A11);成都市哲学社会科学研究基地特大城市精细化治理研究基地项目(TD2024Z03)。
- 作者简介:王超深,四川大学建筑与环境学院,博士、副研究员,四川省哲社重点研究基地“社会发展与社会风险控制研究中心”研究员,主要研究方向为城乡规划与设计、交通规划与设计;
- 多灾种影响下的西南民族村寨应急 疏散空间韧性规划方法 ——基于贵州省凯里市下司镇清江村的实证检验
- Study on the Planning Method of Emergency Evacuation Space in Southwest Ethnic Villages Considering the Influence of Multiple Disasters: Empirical Test Based on Qingjiang Village, Xiasi Town, Kaili City, Guizhou Province
- 浏览量:
- 王超深 赵炜 张莉
- WANG Chaoshen ZHAO Wei ZHANG Li
- 摘要:
传统的应急疏散空间规划主要关注避难场所布局,对疏散通道的关注严重不足,且避难场所选址缺少对多灾种及灾种间相互影响的综合考量,对人群疏散行为特征关注较少。针对上述问题,文章将应急疏散空间划分为避难场所和疏散通道两个层面,并从多灾种综合防御的视角进行避难场所的空间选址,给出了考虑多灾种影响的疏散通道重要性和脆弱性指标评价体系,提出了基于经验研判和仿真检验相结合的应急疏散空间规划方法。通过对贵州省清江村的实证检验,发现该方法在灾害类型多的民族地区有较强的适用性,能够明显提升村寨疏散效率 ;通过应急演练的方式能够有效地加强民众对灾害及避难场所的认知,能够明显地提升村寨的社会韧性。 - 关键词:
综合防灾;避难场所;疏散通道;仿真检验;韧性规划; - Abstract: The traditional emergency evacuation space planning mainly focuses on the spatial layout of shelters, and the attention to evacuation passages is seriously insufficient. Moreover, the location of shelters lacks the comprehensive consideration based on multi disaster and the interaction between disaster types, and the attention to the characteristics of crowd evacuation behavior is also insufficient. In view of the above problems, the emergency evacuation space is divided into two space levels, namely, refuge and evacuation passage, and the space location of refuge is selected from the perspective of multi hazard comprehensive defense. The evaluation system of the importance and vulnerability of evacuation routes is proposed, which can better judge the lifeline evacuation routes. Based on the regional behavior characteristics and parameters obtained from evacuation drills, an emergency evacuation space planning method based on the combination of qualitative research and simulation testing is proposed. Through the empirical test of Qingjiang village, Guizhou province, it is found that this method has strong adaptability in ethnic areas with many disaster types, and can significantly improve the village evacuation efficienc
- Key words: comprehensive disaster prevention; shelters; escape route; simulation assessment; resilient planning
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